Trilogical’s Threat Shield solution is an under vehicle protection suit against UVIED (Under Vehicle Improvised Explosive Device) and tracking devices. It provides alert against magnetic devices that are connected underneath the vehicle.
The kit includes 8-16 highly sensitive sensors that are easily and discreetly deployed across the vehicle. The system includes semi hidden LED indications in the vehicle for activation and detection and SMS alerts to predefined numbers. In addition to the Threat Shield on-board sensors, the kit integrates with Trilogical’s security suit that includes a C2 (command and control) GIS based management software to provide full fleet control.
Key features
Real-time alert on UVIED detection to phone/email/control center
History debriefing of all vehicle movements
Easy installation and transferable between vehicles
Cellular & Satellite communication
8-16 magnetic sensors
Real-time tracking vehicle location over GIS (Optional)
Automatic activation of system
Optional add-ons: Driver identification, Door open detection, Vehicle movement detection, Personal SOS & tracking device
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