Valorize Your Waste

Solutions for Waste Management and Food & Beverage Companies

Upgrading Anaerobic Digesters into Biorefineries

Combining biogas production with lactic acid production is an investment with superior long-term returns for your waste management infrastructure. The TripleW biorefinery is integrated into the existing process before the digester to generate significant added value. Major benefits include:

• A new high-value revenue stream from lactic acid production.
• Increased anaerobic digester capacity and better control of biogas production.
• Improved removal of inorganics before the digester, reducing maintenance costs.
• Overall, up to 5X more revenue from the existing infrastructure

The versatile process can handle supermarket logistic returns and surplus, restaurants and commercial kitchens, F&B factory co-products and processing rejects (e.g., bakery, potato, dairy, snacks, etc.) and municipal source-separated food waste.

TripleW provides services to determine the techno-economic feasibility of upgrading your facility. Please contact us to learn more.

Increase Value for Food & Beverage Co-Products and Rejects

TripleW can incorporate a wide range of food products and rejects into our process, such as bakery, dairy, snacks, packaged meals, fruit, and vegetable streams, among others, which are converted into high-value lactic acid, energy, and fertilizer, delivering improved returns and a superior decarbonization LCA for factory rejects and co-products, which are currently underutilized.

Let’s build circular value chains from waste to product: personal care moisturizers from cheese processing waste and fabric softeners from rejected cookie dough!

There are two ways to engage with TripleW on leveraging these streams:
1) Become a supplier of waste to one of our locations.
2) Co-locate a TripleW facility – minimum stream of 10,000 tons per annum.

TripleW provides services to determine the techno-economic feasibility of producing lactic acid and PLA from your streams. Please contact us to learn more.

The global volume of food wastage is estimated at 1.6 billion tons

Global food waste costs us an estimated $2.6 trillion annually, including about $700 billion in environmental costs.

End-of-life solutions for food waste are currently limited and environmentally damaging. Many efforts are being made worldwide to prevent and reduce food waste; however, TripleW sees it as an abundant feedstock and an opportunity for a positive change (financial and environmental).

According to the UN's FAO, "The global volume of food wastage is estimated at 1.6 billion tons. Food wastage's carbon footprint is estimated at 3.3 billion tons of CO2 equivalent of GHG released into the atmosphere per year. A low percentage of all food wastage is composted: much of it ends up in landfills and represents a large part of municipal solid waste." Methane emissions from landfills represents one of the largest sources of GHG emissions from the waste sector.

Israel Headquarters

R&D Center
16 Beni Gaon st. Netanya 4250801, Israel
Sales Inquiry:

United States

4143 N. Newhall st. Shorewood WI 53211 USA
Sales Office

Belgium TripleW BVBA

Gaston Crommenlaan 8, Ghent, Flemish Region 9050

Let’s Talk

Get in touch, and see how you can make waste history.

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