The Coast Guard's Work Near You (Districts and News)

The Coast Guard's units, vessels and aircraft are permanently deployed in the communities we serve. Our unique role as the only armed service in the Department of Homeland Security give us both civilian and military responsibilities. We protects America's economic prosperity, national security, and border - from the heartland to cyberspace.


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The 1st Coast Guard District is responsible for protecting the American maritime community across eight states in the Northeast, including more than 2,000 miles of shoreline from the U.S.-Canadian border to northern New Jersey and 1,300 miles offshore.

A Station South Padre Island boat crew pulls alongside a Lancha caught fishing illegally in gulf waters, Texas Dec. 11, 2015. Lanchas are Mexican fishing boats that poach thousands of pounds of wildlife from U.S. waters every year. (U.S. Coast Guard photo by Air Station Corpus Christi)
The Coast Guard manages six major operational mission programs: maritime law enforcement, maritime response, maritime prevention, marine transportation system management, maritime security operations, and defense operations.

Coast Guardsmen from the Coast Guard Cutter Stratton from Alameda, Calif., unload narcotics from a smuggling vessel intercepted by the crew in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. (Coast Guard photo by Cutter Stratton)
Force Laydown
The Coast Guard has a presence on all seven continents and the world’s oceans, projecting national sovereignty with our icebreakers, national security cutters, high-endurance cutters, aviation assets, and deployable specialized forces.

Chief Warrant Officer Dustin Widman and Lt. j.g. Rebecca Grimes review ship logs and records with the captain and first mate aboard the bulk carrier Nikkei Verde at Nine Mile Anchorage on the lower Mississippi River, June 25, 2013. Widman and Grimes conducted a port state control inspection prior to the ship's entry into the Port of New Orleans. (U.S. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 2nd Class Bill Colclough)
The library contains strategic documents and publications produced by the U.S. Coast Guard.