Smart Vision Labs



Location: USA

Founded in 2013

Privately Held

"Smart Vision Labs has developed the world's first commercially available smartphone-based autorefractor, the SVOne, to enable accurate and fast mobile vision exams anywhere and anytime. The SVOne device uses wavefront aberrometry (an advanced technology used to characterize vision imperfection before performing corrective vision surgery) to measure a patient's refractive errors. The company is working with healthcare professionals to enable affordable, convenient, and high-quality access to vision care both domestically and abroad."
Description Source: VentureRadar Research / Company Website


Website Traffic Trend
Business Insight
01 May 2020
Website traffic has decreased in the past 3 months, down from a ranking of 323,342 to 472,968.
Website Traffic Trend
Business Insight
01 Jan 2019
Website traffic has decreased in the past 3 months, down from a ranking of 356,639 to 685,786.
Venture-funding News
Equity Funding
23 Jun 2015
Smart Vision Labs Closes $6.1M Series A Funding

Funding Signals




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