Uncaged Innovations



Location: USA

Founded in 2020

Privately Held

Develops sustainable, animal-free leather from grains using proprietary technology, resulting in less environmental impact and a biodegradable product.
"Uncaged Innovations is a biomaterials start-up developing next-generation performance materials to replace bovine and exotic leather."
Description Source: VentureRadar Research / Company Website


Venture-funding News
Equity Funding
02 Jul 2024
Uncaged Innovations Closes $5.6M Seed Funding
Source: finsmes.com
Venture-funding News
Equity Funding
14 Jun 2023
Uncaged Innovations Raises $2M in Pre-Seed Funding
Source: finsmes.com
US Small Business Administration (SBA) Award
01 Dec 2021
Amount: $254,767.00 | SBIR Phase I:Fabrication of Exotic Skin Mimics Using Additive Manufacturing | From: 2021-12-01 to 2022-12-31

Funding Signals


Venture-funding News


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