The West Virginia Department of Education provides the professional and personalized e-Learning for Educators program. This program permits West Virginia educators to engage in online professional learning courses and activities.
Military Partnerships
The West Virginia Common Ground Partnership is comprised of several military-based and community organizations, focused on increasing the capacity of schools to ensure student success. By sharing each organization’s programs, opportunities, resources and information with schools, students will become aware of opportunities to serve as leaders within their communities and experience positive outcomes throughout their lives. This focus includes shared goals that all students will stay in school and graduate from high school, college and career ready. The partnership contributes to developing strong communities which have a productive, civically active and well-educated workforce. The Common Ground website offers information supportive of schools, students and military families.
West Virginia Teacher Leadership Framework
In 2020, the WV Legislature passed HB 4804, which directs the West Virginia Department of Education to assist county boards with the design and implementation of a teacher leadership framework to accomplish the teacher induction and professional growth aspects of their comprehensive systems of support. Teacher Leadership funding is provided through Step 7d for multiple leadership opportunities including training for those opportunities and salary stipends for those roles.
- HB 4804 Text (wvlegislature.gov)
- WV Standards for Effective Schools
- WVDE Strategic Plan
- Fillable County Framework Document
- Professional Learning Continuum
- May 2021 Teacher Leadership Framework Power Point
Download the WV Teacher Leadership Network (PDF)
Induction – WVDE Teacher Academy
The goal of the WVDE Office of Educator Preparation is to support districts in their effort to attract and retain the most compassionate, caring, and highly motivated teachers.
The Office of Educator Preparation (OEP) is committed to ensuring high-quality professional learning experiences are available for counties, schools, and individuals based on data-driven need and choice.
Research over the past few decades clearly shows that induction programs and mentor support have a positive impact on teacher retention. Teachers will remain in the profession if they are provided with appropriate support. When this occurs, teacher retention rates increase, and costs related to teacher attrition for districts decrease. By supporting teachers across the state, the OEP will prepare our educators to remain in the field and seek professional growth opportunities.
Induction programs provide inexperienced teachers with support, models of effective instructional strategies, and guidance that will help them improve their professional practice. A strong teacher induction program is highly recommended. Comprehensive induction programs should include:
- An orientation to the district and school
- A structured and high-quality mentor program
- Consistent support from school and county level administrators
- Access to a network of support from other beginning teachers
- Standards-based evaluations of the beginning teacher’s instruction
- Yearly standards-based evaluations of the district induction program
For more, visit WVDE Teacher Academy.
Effective mentoring is a critical component of highly effective induction programs. Districts and schools are encouraged to utilize the following recommendations when considering the hiring of teachers that will fill the role of mentor teacher. The recommendations do not guarantee effective mentors, but allow districts to set expectations for a rigorous selection process in choosing the most qualified teachers:
- It is encouraged that districts hire mentors having at least five years of teaching experience.
- The mentor teacher should demonstrate effective standards-based instructional practices as shown through educator evaluations.
- The mentor teacher should demonstrate the ability to be an effective listener, be approachable, and exhibit objectivity and fairness.
- The mentor teacher should demonstrate strong interpersonal skills.
- The mentor teacher should effectively lead reflective mentor/beginning teacher conversations.
- The mentor teacher should demonstrate strong teacher leadership skills and/or be a National Board Certified Teacher.
To learn more about the professional learning opportunities provided by the WVDE to experienced teachers, visit Professional Learning.