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Objective: Improve Real-Time Visibility
Challenges Solutions
Which trailers are in the yard, including how long they've been there. Eagle View graphical yard interface delivers instant visibility to the precise location, status, cargo, aging, and activity of all trailers in the yard.
Which trailers are at other facilities or offsite yards. Multi-Facility View delivers enterprise-wide visibility on a single screen using multiple Eagle View displays.
Gate arrivals and departures. Gate Module delivers time-stamped visibility on all gate-in and gate-out activities.
Spotter performance and activities. Spotter Module delivers visibility via reports and charts making it easy to identify a spotter’s activity and performance by hour, day, week, month, and year.
Daily appointments, including which loads are on-time or late. Appointment Schedule provides complete visibility of all inbound and outbound shipments. Dock Module provides visibility to dock activities including dwell times.
Yard inventory reporting. Current Inventory Report displays a comprehensive listing of all trailers in the yard, their location, time in yard, and status, which can be filtered by multiple fields and downloaded to excel.
Historical data of yard activities. History Reporting delivers visibility into all past yard activities.
Product inside trailers. Smart Yard "X-Ray Vision" provides visibility on all trailer contents within Eagle View. Like having a world-class WMS in your YMS.
Reefer temperatures and fuel levels. Gate Module provides the ability to record reefer temperature and fuel levels upon check-in. YMS keeps track of this information then alerts employees when temperatures and fuel levels require attention.
Opportunity for Savings

Based on customer case studies and industry averages

Name Number of Hours Per Shift Number of Hours Per Year Number of Full Time Employee Equivalent Annual Savings
Responding to Internal Inquiry Requests 3 1093 0.54 $24,570.00
Spotter Costs Including Labor, Fuel, and Maintenance 4 1460 0.7 $75,712.00
Searching Trailers for Products 3 1093 0.54 $24,570.00
Gate Check-In/Check-Out 4 1460 0.7 $32,760.00
Leased Equipment $180,000.00
Total 14 5106 2.48 $337,612.00
Challenge: Lack of Visibility

The yard can be a hectic place. Asking questions and passing information over radios and emails takes time and every moment spent trying to communicate is time not moving product. Need to verify what's inside trailers? Time spent walking around the yard and opening trailer doors is time that could be better used...

Yard Management Solutions makes it easy to communicate without having to use radios, emails, or phone calls. By providing every employee in your organization with unprecedented visibility, the system empowers you to spend less time talking, and more time performing tasks essential to your operation. This visibility extends not only to the physical location of trailers, but also to products inside those trailers.

Yard Management Eagle Eye

It starts with Eagle View, the top-down graphical representation of your facility. Eagle View enables your employees to see everything that's happening in your yard at a glance including the physical locations of trailers, loading statuses at dock doors, and ongoing jockey moves. Everything is updated live and in real-time. Need to know how many empties are currently at your facility waiting to go to the dock doors? Simply refer to the Statistics bar at the top of the screen for a running total. Trying to determine how many containers are currently being loaded? Arrows along the dock indicate the load status in a clear, simple way. No need to walk around the yard or pick up a radio.

While Eagle View provides a bird's eye view of your operation, our software features a variety of modules tailored to specific duties at your facility. Every aspect of the software is tied together and updated in real-time using cloud-based technology.

Need to find out upcoming appointments or which appointments have arrived? The Appointment Schedule provides a daily rollup of every load coming in or leaving your yard. As soon as a trailer with an appointment arrives at your facility, employees use the Gate Module to check-in that trailer and assign them a spot in your yard. Eagle View updates immediately, providing instant visibility to your organization.

Yard Management Eagle EyeYard Management Eagle Eye

When you need a trailer at the dock doors, simply drag and drop it in Eagle View. This generates a jockey move request within the YMS Jockey Module. Yard jockeys use the Jockey Module on a ruggedized tablet right in the cab of their vehicle. As soon as the move request is generated, the Jockey Module updates to show the driver where the trailer is and where it's going. It's simple and fast, displaying only the information needed to make that move. This system gives jockey drivers the ability to accept and complete moves without having to use a handheld radio to gather information.

Yard Management Eagle Eye

After a trailer arrives at the dock doors, employees use the Dock Door Module to mark trailers as currently being loaded or unloaded. Eagle View updates and shows arrow indicators at the dock, keeping everyone on the same page. After loading or unloading a trailer, employees can generate jockey move requests right from the Dock Door Module with just a couple taps. This system streamlines communication and gives employees the freedom to accomplish their tasks.

Yard Management Eagle Eye

With Yard Management Solutions, getting the information you need to make decisions is easy. Data like how long trailers have been in your yard or how many late appointments there were is easily accessible through our 21 standard reports. These reports are automatically updated and generated while employees use the software; no more sorting through mountains of data to find what you need. Each report is displayed in a spreadsheet format and features an advanced search function to show only what you need to see. Rather than sending an internal request to pull data, simply export a YMS Report to a CSV file right on your desktop. Need a visual way of displaying this data? We'll happily build a customized dashboard for your operation to help track things like KPIs, driver activity, detention, and more.

Yard Management Eagle Eye

YMS makes it easy to see the exact contents of every trailer in your yard. We call it Smart Yard X-Ray Vision - it's like having a world-class WMS inside your YMS. Within Eagle View, the graphical depiction of your yard, simply hover over a trailer to see things like item name, item number, quantity on hand, and more.

Yard Management Eagle Eye

Clicking on a trailer allows you to pull up a scrollable list of items inside that trailer. As items are loaded or unloaded, Smart Yard X-Ray Vision updates in real-time to display the exact contents.

What if you need to find a specific item or product in your yard? Simply type the part number into the search bar and YMS will highlight the trailer containing that item. You can search by PO number, BOL, SKU, part number, or any custom field unique to your operation.

Yard Management Eagle Eye

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