A brief introduction to zkClub Organizations
Promote the development of zero-knowledge technology and build a privacy ecosystem..
The zkClub organization is jointly organized by a group of early Web3 industry OG/zero-knowledge technicians and investors with many years of industry experience. The current organization members include well-known and outstanding Web3 companies/teams: Storswift* / Oula network* / zk.work* /F2pool* / Cysic* / h9.com*. ....(not completely listed)
The vision of zkClub is: to promote the development of zero-knowledge innovative technology and build a track to promote zero-knowledge privacy. Plan and organize zkMeeting/zkSummit. activities
* Here, let’s build the future of mankind together
Explore innovative Internet technologies and opportunities with outstanding members
Explore innovative Internet technologies and opportunities with outstanding members
* Here, we communicate with professionals
about zero-knowledge technology research and opportunities
about zero-knowledge technology research and opportunities
* Here, we share the achievements and honors
of the excellent zero-knowledge proof team in this field.
of the excellent zero-knowledge proof team in this field.