Lancom Academy Framework
How to plan and deliver content using recommended tooling, processes and practices so you can deliver high quality content into the Lancom Academy to be consumed by Lancom Staff.
Introduction: Lancom Academy Framework
I.T. Glue Link: Lancom Academy Framework
Thinkific: Create a Content Plan
Defining Your Course’s Overall Objective
Identifying Your Course’s Milestones
Draft Script for your Milestone
Content Planning Feedback
Loom: Introduction
Getting started with Loom
How to record your first video on Loom
How to edit to your video
Create a Course in Thinkific
Creating Your Course Introduction
Download: Lancom Academy Introduction Powerpoint Template
Milestone Content Creation
Add Loom Content to the Academy
Creating a Quiz for Lancom Academy
Create a Quiz in Thinkific
Creating a Survey for Lancom Academy
Create a Survey in Thinkific
Download Thumbnail PSD
Create a Course Thumbnail
Enhancing Audio with Adobe Podcast
Course Submission Process
Final Checklist Overview