Course curriculum

    1. Introduction: Lancom Academy Framework

    2. I.T. Glue Link: Lancom Academy Framework

    1. Preface

    2. Thinkific: Create a Content Plan

    3. Defining Your Course’s Overall Objective

    4. Identifying Your Course’s Milestones

    5. Draft Script for your Milestone

    6. Content Planning Feedback

    1. Loom: Introduction

    2. Getting started with Loom

    3. How to record your first video on Loom

    4. How to edit to your video

    1. Create a Course in Thinkific

    2. Creating Your Course Introduction

    3. Download: Lancom Academy Introduction Powerpoint Template

    4. Milestone Content Creation

    5. Add Loom Content to the Academy

    6. Creating a Quiz for Lancom Academy

    7. Create a Quiz in Thinkific

    8. Creating a Survey for Lancom Academy

    9. Create a Survey in Thinkific

    10. Download Thumbnail PSD

    11. Create a Course Thumbnail

    1. Enhancing Audio with Adobe Podcast

    1. Course Submission Process

    2. Final Checklist Overview

About this course

  • Free
  • 27 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content