the doorway to something

bigger than yourself

Addison House provides transitional supportive housing and case management for men in early recovery from mental health and substance-use disorders.

For 10 years, Addison House has been the leader in providing safe and supportive communities for men in early recovery from mental health disorders, including substance-misuse, characterological, and other psychiatric disorders.

our services

Addison House is a structure program that builds and heals sick and suffering addicts or alcoholics. We meet you were you’re at with the below services.


Our supervised, multi-tiered program is designed to provide residents with the basic tools of sober living, including individualized life skills as they transition from early sobriety to self-sufficient autonomy.

of care

At Addison House, we believe that everybody deserves a fresh start. Our Relapse Prevention Program offers a safe space for residents to plan the next steps in their healing process. Get in touch with our team to learn more.

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.

Leo Tolstoy

two homes,
two missions

As the alcoholic/addict becomes more ensnared by his addiction, he removes himself from community and relationships (family, friends, work). At Addison House we seek to challenge this pattern and lead our residents back to lives of lasting meaningful relationships.

paul taylor

John C & Robert T Taylor

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