Frequently Asked Questions

About ANU Enterprise


Here’s a summary of the frequently asked questions about ANU Enterprise, our relationship with Australian National University, and our services including Business Development and Project Management.

Why did ANU create a company like ANU Enterprise?

Does ANU Enterprise report to ANU?

How does ANU Enterprise make money?

About Business Development services

Can you help me secure Category 2 and Category 3 research funding?

What is the difference between using ANU Enterprise, ANU Research Office, and Innovation ANU Office of Business Engagement and Commercialisation, for a research opportunity?

How much do you charge to co-ordinate and manage my tender response?

About Project Management services

I have a new project on the horizon. How do I go about getting support?

Do I have to use ANU Enterprise if I undertake projects under the Paid Outside Work or 52 Day rule?

What can I expect when getting assistance with a Project?