President's Bio - CENAXO

President’s Bio

Michael Gnazzo

Michael Gnazzo

Michael Gnazzo
President of Cenaxo, LLC

Our clients are always in the forefront at Cenaxo. As the most important aspect of any project, we work hard to understand and meet our client’s needs.” -Michael Gnazzo

Michael Gnazzo has over 20 years of experience with restoration of historic masonry structures.  He possesses a unique blend of technical, systems, business, and project management knowledge.

He began his career in the field by learning the techniques of restoration and preservation; eventually he became trained as a stone carver.  Michael’s career progressed to project supervision and management roles, which lead to his position as the general manager of a well-established restoration contractor of historic structures.

As a project manager, Michael has successfully supervised restoration and preservation projects from the State Capitol building project in Augusta, Maine to the National Parks Services’ “Fort Jefferson” project located 70 miles west, offshore of Key West, Florida in the Gulf of Mexico.  Michael has lead company-wide operational improvement efforts by implementing the Lean business philosophy, which resulted in substantial gains in productivity and profitability.

Since creating Cenaxo in 2010, Michael has developed processes to guarantee the highest standards of quality to ensure that all of Cenaxo’s processes and products utilized comply with federal, state and local historic preservation guidelines.  He has served as project manager on many of Cenaxo’s projects including: the Travelers Tower Restoration, numerous Trinity College projects, and the Sheffield Island Lighthouse Restoration.  Michael works to coordinate with owners, architects and engineers to deliver projects according our clients needs.

Joseph Gnazzo Tribute

Co-Founder of the New England Chapter of the Lean Construction Institute
• Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation
• Association for Preservation Technology

Cathedral Stone Works Stone Carving Training
• Restore Program – Columbia University
• Jahn Restoration Training Workshop
• Confined Space Certified
• OSHA-10

• High School Diploma
• Kingswood-Oxford, West Hartford, CT
• University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH

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