Christian Müller, owner and CEO of commwork AG, is a true all-rounder in the media field. Having served from local correspondent to editor-in-chief and from publishing house manager to CEO of one of Switzerland’s biggest media companies, he can draw on an expertise that stems not from some abstract manual but from the tough practical realities of daily media life.
As well as supporting companies with its extensive communications expertise, commwork accepts concrete text and visual commissions.
Build your bridges
Christian Müller would like to say "thank you" to all his business partners for their co-operation in 2009. He would also like to add that, not only should they be thinking about next year's business, but they should also be thinking about the future of this planet.
When two parties fall out, it’s a third that frequently benefits: their respective legal advisors. Commercial mediation offers a better and quicker alternative, and one that can often keep matters out of court.
Commwork AG
Dr. Christian Müller
Chamerstrasse 176
CH - 6301 Zug
Schweiz / Switzerland
Phone +41 79 300 54 44