What is Mastery Connect?
Mastery Connect is the K–12 digital assessment management system that allows teachers to efficiently and effectively determine what a student knows and does not know based on the core standards. Student understanding is laid out in trackers and based on a variety of assessment types.
Reports are available for teachers, administrators (admins), and parents.
A single sign-on and automatic data passback let you launch Mastery Connect assessments directly from the Canvas LMS.

A teacher's tracker Students tab [1] displays standards [2], the number of assessments pertaining to that standard [3], and student mastery results [4]. Mastery results are displayed by standard, so while students will still get an overall percentage on any assessment taken, the focus is on the mastery level of the specific standards. In most cases this is displayed by three colors:
- red (remediation)
- yellow (near mastery)
- green (mastery).
These colors help teachers, students, parents, and leaders know exactly where a student child is on the learning continuum.
As a teacher, you can learn more about viewing a tracker.
Note: For consistency in trackers, admins, and others can create trackers according to a curriculum map.
A teacher's tracker Assessments tab [1] displays assessments used in the tracker, either in a list or grouped by standard [2].
Mastery Connect supports both formative and benchmark assessments. The assessments can be document-based or item-based, and taken by students online or offline via bubble sheets.
Teachers and admins can create assessments from documents or from items in an item bank.
Teachers can view, print, and email individual student reports. Additionally, administrators can access admin reports.
Parents can view reports in the Mastery Connect Parent Portal.
Students can view reports in the Mastery Connect Student Portal.
Optional Canvas Integration
If your institution uses Canvas LMS, instructors can link a Canvas course [1] to a tracker [2]. They can also create Mastery Connect assessments from within a Canvas course, which creates an assignment in the Canvas course. Trackers can be linked to single Canvas courses as well as cross-listed courses with multiple sections.
To track and administer quizzes, you can convert Canvas quizzes into Mastery Connect assessments [3].
You can learn more about using trackers in Canvas.
Connection to Other Users
Through the Mastery Connect Community, Mastery Connect staff can connect and collaborate with other Mastery Connect users in their district, school, and beyond.
Manage Instructional Resources
Mastery Connect gives staff the ability to collect and share instructional resources through resource pins.