Each Order Receives A Hope Sammich!



Artist | Designer | Visionary
CROME, began creating sustainably in Chicago after rehabbing a dilapidated storefront into CROMEgallery.
During CROME’s “gallery years”, she realized a few things:
1) No one pays you to renovate a gallery
2) no furniture was compact and within her budget to work in her newly down-sized apartment.
After much waste and scrap wood accumulated from the remodel – CROME began utilizing the materials into making furniture that could fit into the small apartment behind the gallery, from those scraps? A new line of gorgeous, classy home décor & wall art; then, designer boxes from scrap wooden panel, and in smallest form: sleek modern pendants designed to be worn around your neck.
Heavily influenced by nature and it’s own organic, complex structures and designs – she finds herself mesmerized getting lost on walks with her furry galpals, from Miss Mia who passed in 2020, to Dolce that graced her life in February of 2023 – Mia was the main canine to thank for falling back in love with nature, again.
In October of 2017, CROMEgallery unexpectedly had to close it’s doors; fought an ungrateful landlord of all the remodeling & revamps I had done -  in court - and won. The community wanted me to find and open another gallery within Bridgeport, but my energy and lack of money to repeat what I had done - was gone. Little did I know, that the gallery closing was a blessing and something that I desperately needed
I moved 1200 miles to Colorado. With the plan of building my next gallery on wheels.
Before closing the gallery, I schemed, sketched, and planned my backup before the announcement of my gallery closing – but not without the inclusion of the new agenda! The Greenhouse Gallery.
The Greenhouse Gallery are all my passions, desires, and talents rolled into one incredible business model, project, & dream that I had hoped to begin during my time in Colorado, as I had no plans of moving back to Chicago.
Now approaching 2025, I am realizing nothing ever goes as you planned, and the best you can do is just embrace where you've gotten, what you've learned along the way, and apply all that knowledge to your next chapter in this adventure we call life.
With being back in Chicago, I am focusing on my illustrative work and personal work. As of May 31st, I announced that I am no longer offering commissioned portraits. I appreciate the support, patience, and gratitude from the appreciative clients I have have had the pleasure to create for - but unfortunately, not all clients are made equally. I need to focus on my passions to thrive rather than pleasing everyone's budget. It is a tough rope to walk, but if I don't respect my talents - clearly, no one else will.
Stay tuned for some incredible artwork ahead!
If interested in exhibiting my creations, please be sure to contact!
Much Love