
We came to a consensus among our team that sometimes it can be kind of hard to find a tutor that will specific for the class that you are having issues with. Not only that, but also sometimes the ones when we do find tutors it is out of our price range. We wanted to make it easier for students to be able to find themselves a tutor that had lists of the classes they taught, and their pricing.

What it does

You can search for a class and you can add filters depending on what you are looking for, location,pricing, days available etc. You click on tutors profile will show you their info and schedule and location available.

How I built it

Challenges I ran into

As a beginner hacker team, we came together to make it easier for students to find on campus and off campus tutors, with friendly pricing according to the class they are having trouble with. We believed a website was the best idea to execute this project, however only one of our members had experience with multiple website design. Two of the team members had to quickly learn how to use html and css in order to make the website, while the remaining team member worked on the design of the website. Using Adobe Xd, we were able to make a layout for the website, having to keep it simple so that it was easier to code. Unfortunately we were not able to completely finish the website, but we were able to set in the foundations.

Accomplishments that I'm proud of

What I learned

Adobe Xd, html, css, python, github

What's next for Tutorfy

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