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QNE Network 1.0.x

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Managing an Organization

Organization owners can configure settings for their own organizations. Administrators can only view the information of organizations that they have joined.

  1. Go to https://organization.qnap.com/.
  2. Sign in with your QNAP ID.
  3. Select an organization.
  4. Perform one or more of the following tasks.


    User Action

    Edit organization information

    1. Click .

    2. Select Edit.

    3. Specify the organization information.

    4. Click Edit.

    Create a group for the organization

    1. Click the Group section.

    2. Select the Group tab.

    3. Click Create Groups.

      The Create Groups window appears.

    4. Specify the group information.

    5. Select administrators.

    6. Click Create.

    Create a site for the organization

    1. Click the Group section.

    2. Click the Site section.

    3. Click Create Site.

      The Create Site window appears.

    4. Specify the site information.

    5. Click Create.

    Invite users to the organization as administrator

    1. Click the Group section.

    2. Select the Account List tab.

    3. Click Invite Administrators.

      The Invite Administrators window appears.

    4. Click Invite Administrators.

    5. Specify the QNAP ID and description of a user.

    6. Click Add.

    7. Add more users if needed.

    8. Click Invite.

    Export the activity log

    1. Click the Group section.

    2. Select the Activity Log tab.

    3. Click Export Activity Log.

      The Export Activity Log window appears.

    4. Specify a date range.

    5. Click Apply.

    6. Click Download.

    Edit administrator information

    1. Click the Administrators section.

    2. Select the Account List tab.

    3. Select an administrator.

    4. Click .

      The Edit Administrator Information window appears.

    5. Specify a description.

    6. Specify a status for the user.

      • Active

      • Suspended: A suspended administrator can no longer manage the devices of this organization.

    7. Grant or withdraw owner privileges.

    8. Click Close.

    Remove a group, site, or administrator from the organization

    1. Click the Group section.

    2. Select one of three tabs.

      • Group

      • Site

      • Account List

    3. Select one or more items from the list.

    4. Click Delete.

      A confirmation message appears.

    5. Click Confirm.