How do I create a StarBlock account?

This guide explains the three things you'll need in place to open your account and start buying or selling NFTs on StarBlock.

1) Digital Currency (ETH)

You can get ETH, the digital currency that fuels transactions on the Ethereum blockchain, from a digital currency exchange like Coinbase. You will need ETH to "mint" an NFT, purchase an NFT, and for gas fees to complete transactions.

Now that you have ETH, let's get a crypto wallet.

2) Crypto Wallet

A crypto wallet, such as MetaMask, stores your ETH and processes transactions on the Ethereum blockchain. A unique wallet address will be generated and you will use this address to complete transactions.

Metamask Tutorial:

All transaction records related to your wallet address can be found on It is therefore a good idea to check Etherscan after each transaction.

Why do you need a wallet before buying and selling on StarBlock?

StarBlock itself is another tool you use to interact with the blockchain. We never take possession of your assets or store your NFTs. Instead, we provide a system for peer to peer exchanges. Since you’ll be using StarBlock to interact directly with others on the blockchain, you’ll need a wallet to help you turn your actions in the browser into transactions on the blockchain.

Now that you have a crypto wallet installed, you can connect your wallet address to StarBlock.

3) StarBlock

Open StarBlock and start the interaction. Click on the selection bar in the top right corner and click to select "Connect Wallet".


A request for the MetaMask signature appears on the screen, click on it.


A successful signature shows connected and the system will assign you a default account name and only your wallet address will be displayed below.


To personalise your account, select the avatar icon on the right hand side of the screen to go to your personal user details page and you can begin updating your profile.


Select the edit button to customise your profile, including username, profile, and personal social address. You can also customise your avatar and background cover in your account.


Now you're all set! If you ever have trouble viewing your items, make sure your wallet is connected correctly. StarBlock is a window into your wallet address, showing all the cool NFTs inside. StarBlock doesn't store your digital items, it's only a fun place to buy, sell, create, and trade NFTs.

The heart of StarBlock is the Browse page and search features. Enjoy buying, trading, creating, and selling NFTs on StarBlock!

Last updated