Clean Power Professionals Group
This special interest group is for professionals to connect and discuss all types of carbon-free power alternatives, including nuclear, renewable, tidal and more.
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Clean Turquoise Hydrogen: a pathway to commercial readiness - Energy Post
While green and blue hydrogen claim most of the limelight, turquoise hydrogen is emerging as an interesting alternative. It sidesteps the chicken-and-egg challenge of CO2 transport and storage infrastructure availability, and it can capitalize on high-value markets for pure carbon to reach commercial maturity.
Although the technology is still at a relatively low technology readiness level, the economic case is compelling, and the pathway to profitable commercial deployment is clear. The following popular science article provides further details.
Clean Turquoise Hydrogen: a pathway to commercial readiness - Energy Post
Whereas blue hydrogen from methane produces CO2, the by-product of turquoise hydrogen is pure carbon. The obvious advantage is you can make your hydrogen without the need for expensive new infrastructure to transport and store any CO2. Turquoise hydrogen
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