Evergrow Seedlings believes productivity and sustainability are key challenges affecting subsistence and emerging farmers, however through value added support such as capacity building workshops, masterclasses and extensive extension services cash-crop vegetable smallholders can adopt behavioral changes such as planting schedules as well as other risk mitigation strategies

Evergrow Seedlings
Cof-founders of Evergrow Seeedlings Andile Gcaza (left) & Phetole Mlenge (right)

Co-founded back in 2018 by bio-scientists Andile Gcaza BSc. Biochemistry (left) & Phetole Raseropo BSc. Botany (right) we leverage in-house technical competences and experience to create an enabling environment for aspirant agripreneurs within the Horticultural Industry

Evergrow Seedlings
Evergrow Team
Evergrow Seedlings