GAHSSR International Conference

Friday, 26 August 2016

GAHSSR - Newsletter Vol. 1 Issue 1 and CFP for Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai, Thailand, Malaysia, Lisbon, London, Mauritius

Newsletter Vol. 1 Issue 1   
                                                   Inline image 1  
                 Global Association for Humanities and Social Science Research
Dear GAHSSR Members,
Thank you for your interest and support in our organization. GAHSSR now has over 6208 members from      
 45 countries. We are happy to launch our first newsletter for our Association. Here are some of the
 glimpses of our current and upcoming endeavors.
International Collaborations:
GAHSSR has recently signed International collaborations with the following:
1.       International Journal of Supply Chain Management (Scopus indexed), (London),
2.       International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, (Mauritius),
3.       ResearchSEA, Asia Research News, (UK),
4.       Linton University College, KTG Group, (Malaysia).
We would be glad to have MoUs and collaborations with your department/society/organization.

Singapore & Malaysia Conference
We have successfully organized our conferences in Singapore and Malaysia, which were held in May, June, & July 2016 at universities Rumah Kelab PAUM Clubhouse (Persatuan Alumni Universiti Malaya), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore with the support of GRDS (Global Research & Development Services). In these conferences, around 192 colleagues participated across the globe. We would like to thank all our participants and our supporters of our conferences.

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Inline image 9 Tennyson Samraj (Burman University, Canada)

      The assertion to ‘publish or perish’ is a given in the academic world, but what is necessary is to be   intellectually honest when presenting and publishing papers.  To be intellectually honest is to be able to define and defend not only one’s perspective but also define and defend different viewpoints.  This is considered fundamental in academic life. What is the significance of being intellectually honest? Being intellectually honest is to concede that no one has monopoly over truth or the questions that necessitates the search for truth. Everyone has a right to address, define, and defend answers to questions that present itself to the human condition. For no one’s answer are complete or final, questions belong to all. We may have questions without answers but we cannot have answers without Questions. An inquiring mind is the basis of taking ownership of the answers we claim to have. The Socratic Method to inquire initiates the process of learning and to learn is to enlarge one’s paradigm. Respecting different paradigms creates a dynamic society.  When we attend conferences and publish papers we enlarge each other’s world view.  This permits us to share not only our views with fellow researchers, but also allows us to share our research to the community at large. Every age requires a relevant paradigm to define its, economic, political, social and scientific investigation. Truth is important for its relevance and it is this that provides the basis for bringing about necessary changes. In fact, projected changes happen when shared paradigms become the basis for change. The story of human beings is the story of change and no significant change can be expected without a paradigm shift. Only a paradigm that addresses the questions related to the realities and issues we face today, can provide justice and peace for all. 

Invited Speaker
We are pleased to announce that distinguished colleagues Subrata Chattopadhyay (Banerjee) and Dr. Gnanaprakasam Chinnappan, who have joined the conference as keynote speakers:

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Subrata Chattopadhyay Banerjee (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)

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Dr. Gnanaprakasam Chinnappan (School of Accounting and Finance, Legenda Education Group, Mantin, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia)

Upcoming GAHSSR Conferences:

OUR JOURNAL (Call for Papers)

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences, is an open access, single-blind, peer-reviewed and refereed journal published by GRDS Publishing.
PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
Authors are cordially invited to submit papers for the upcoming edition Regular Issue Volume 2, Issue 03, November – 2016
Regular Issue Vol. 2 Issue 3
Submission open for November - 2016 
Last Date of Submission: September 15, 2016
You may easily submit paper via email on
We are indexed into:

·         Google Scholar
·         SCRIBD (Archiving)
·         Portico (Archiving)
·         DRJI Indexing
·         Index Copernicus

Contact Us
Contact Number: +91-9166306469

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