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Heritagestore.com offers a variety of products for sale. On their website, customers can find a wide range of items including natural health and wellness products, personal care items, supplements, essential oils, beauty products, and more. Explore their selection for various holistic and alternative wellbeing solutions.
heritagestore.com’s revenueOVER TIME
Over the past three months, heritagestore.com revenue has experienced decline of 2.2%, compared to the preceding three months.
heritagestore.com competitors
In comparing heritagestore.com to its competitors in the herbal and beauty products industry, we can see that while heritagestore.com generated a revenue of $47,488 from 768 transactions and 35,620 sessions with an average order value (AOV) of $50-75 and a conversion rate of 2.00-2.50%, its competitors have varying levels of performance. For example, shinyleaf.com leads the pack with a revenue of $28,444 from 316 transactions and 6,696 sessions, boasting an AOV of $75-100 and a conversion rate of 4.50-5.00%. On the other hand, farmaesthetics.com also performs well with a revenue of $7,709 from 138 transactions and 2,726 sessions, with an AOV of $50-75 and a conversion rate of 5.00-5.50%. Overall, heritagestore.com holds its ground among its competitors, showing steady performance and potential for growth in the market.
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heritagestore.com channels
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heritagestore.com Google Ads spend
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heritagestore.com devices
Review heritagestore.com's performance across desktop and mobile devices. Analyze how revenue, conversion rate, transactions, AOV and sessions vary depending on the device shoppers use.