Below are some common queries/issues that users run into, if you can’t find a solution to your problem here, please reach out to us directly, we’re here to help!
I can't find my institution in the drop-down menu on the Sign Up form
I can't find my institution in the drop-down menu on the Sign Up form
We use data from Google to identify all educational institutions based on the country you are in, if your institution is not appearing in the list, or the country is wrong, please contact us directly.
I need to un-assign a course
I need to un-assign a course
This functionality is not currently available, but is coming soon.
I need to delete a class
I need to delete a class
We can't currently delete classes, but you can archive a class! We will be adding this functionally soon.
I need to delete a student
I need to delete a student
If you would like to delete a student, please reach out to us directly.
I uploaded a .csv, but I'm not sure if my students have been added
I uploaded a .csv, but I'm not sure if my students have been added
If you have invited students to join Fabrio through the .csv upload method, you will receive a confirmation email with a report containing the students that have been successfully added or any that have encountered any errors. In this report, it will also include all of the students' temporary passwords, for you to distribute if necessary.
My .csv contains more students than the remaining limit on my institution's account
My .csv contains more students than the remaining limit on my institution's account
If the uploaded .csv contains more students than your institution's remaining limit, none of the students will be invited.
In this scenario, please reduce the number of students in the .csv file to below the limit, and try again. Alternatively, you can delete some existing student accounts so that the .csv file no longer exceeds the limit.
You can also contact our team to discuss increasing your account limits and upgrading your institution.
My students haven't received an invitation email
My students haven't received an invitation email
Sometimes, students may not be able to receive emails from outside domains, this is usually controlled by your institutions’ IT Department. In this case, you can ask them to white-list “”. We will only ever send platform notification emails to students, as per our Privacy Policy.
If you have confirmed that the Fabrio domain is not blocked, then please ask students to check their spam/junk folders.As a last resort, if you have added students via the .csv upload method, then you will have a copy of their temporary password in the confirmation email.
If none of the above fix the issue, or you have added a single student and they have not received the email, please reach out to us directly.
Some of my students have forgotten their passwords
Some of my students have forgotten their passwords
If the student has already activated their account, they are able to reset their passwords themselves, by completing the Forgot Password form. However, if they have not activated their account yet, then they will need to use the temporary password in their invitation email.
Temporary passwords are valid for 90 days, if this time has surpassed, then please reset their temporary password. You can do this on the My Students page by clicking “Action Required”.
How do I know if students have activated their accounts?
How do I know if students have activated their accounts?
On the My Students page, there will be a small tag that says “Action Required”. This will check the status of every student account in the institution, so may take some time to load.
Clicking on this will give you an indication if a student has activated their account and also the ability to then reset their temporary password.