Our RepVault ENB functionality has been designed to give you direct ownership of your news briefs. Whilst we can set them up for you as usual, you can easily edit them, change recipients and the frequency it goes out. You can create your own ENBs by clicking Create New in the top right corner of the screen.
The Content section allows you to give your ENB a title, header or footer so that recipients immediately sees what the ENB focuses on. Headlines is where you determine what content the ENB should capture, e.g. the top online media headlines for the past week focused on your organization. You can select the company, organization or portfolio the ENB should capture under 'Primary Organization'. Primary Topic(s) is where you select the topics you want the ENB to be based on. You can select single or multiple topics, drivers or taxonomies. This allows you to focus the coverage on what matters most to you.
All of these and None of these allow you to narrow the lens of your ENB and serve as AND or Exclude clause respectively. If you want to look at Covid-19 conversations for example through a risk lens only, you would select the Risk taxonomy as your primary topic and Covid-19 to All of these. If on the contrary you want to exclude all Covid-19 related content, then you can add that topic to None of these.
Additional filtering options allow you to select the sources (e.g. online or social)
and languages to be covered (depending on your license). You can also add or
exclude location mentions such as countries or US States. If you want to monitor
only negative content, our sentiment algorithm can be used to filter the news
brief even further. Click on preferences to set the number of headlines to be
captured, the ordering of the headlines, and the information your ENB should
You can create a new section (e.g. focused on your competitors) by clicking Add new headlines section or by clicking duplicate if you want to mirror your previous section but changing only a couple of parameters (e.g. focus on social media instead of online media).
Under Distribution and Schedule you can determine who the ENB should go to and when.
Now, select Create and Close to view all your ENBs and get a preview of your ENB. Don’t forget to enable your ENB once you are happy with your set-up.
Ask your Customer Success support contact for your ENB 'how to' guide for more details.