
Hot Cross Product Suite

We operate on an agile, to-do basis way of development and pivot when business needs call for it. At the heart of most of our decisions are three simple questions:

  1. Is this practical?
  2. How quickly to market can we take it?
  3. Will this actually be used? Some ideas we had six months ago are irrelevant now.

Some of them stand as the reason for Hot Cross' current success. In general, roadmap-driven development doesn't work well for us and never has. So we go with milestones and to-dos and tackle them as rapidly as we can, reassessing what's important to us on a weekly basis. Decisive and agile is how we roll.

NFT Staking
Cross Bridge
Cross Pool
Cross Send
Cross Yield
IHO / Launchpad
Cross API
Cross Mint
Cross Bosses
Cross Connect
Cross Claim
Cross Vest
User Dashboard
NFT Staking