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Tracsis plc. is pleased to announce that our Environmental Management System (EMS) has been certified to the ISO 14001 standard following an ambitious six-month implementation programme.
iBlocks, a company within the Tracsis Group and an established provider of Account Based Ticketing (ABT) solutions within the UK Public Transport Sector, is in partnership with Unicard.
iBlocks will showcase its unique Pay As You Go ( PAYG) product at the Transport Ticketing Global event next week.
Customers were already steering towards self-service check out and EMV bank card tap and pay well before the pandemic hit.
PAYG ticketing is already established and proven on parts of our rail network and can be rolled out nationally quickly and cheaply.
A known area of dissatisfaction is the rail industry’s approach to fares and ticketing, and therefore a coherent approach to planning and buying helps to restore trust and promotes value that is long overdue.
When it was first made available the initial deployment of a virtual credential/ticket on a mobile device as a token for transit did not result in the rapid uptake as might have been expected.
Corporations are under unprecedented pressure from shareholders and consumers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The UK Government’s £96 billion rail plan announced 18/11 aims to improve the passenger experience in the North and the Midlands as soon as possible.