Relay Aims To Replace Radios (Company Profile)
****** **** **** ****** **** ** building ********** *** ******** *** *******, with ******** ***** *** **** ****** used ********. ***, * ** *****,*****, ****** ** ***********, ****** ** replace ****** **** *** ****-**** *******. But *** ** *****, *** *** is *** ********** *********?
** **** ******, ***** ** *** conversation **** ***** ***** ****, ** ******* *** *******, *********:
- **********
- ***** ** *** ****
- ***********
- *********
- *******
- ****** ** ******** *****
- ********
- *******
- **. ****** *** **********
- **. ********
- *******
Executive *******
****** "****" ** ************ *****-***** *** cellphone-based **************, **** ** ***** ***********, battery **** ***********, *** ***** ************* limitations, ***** **** ** ******* **** with *** "*****-*****" ****-**-**** *******, ********* 100,000 ***** ********* ***** *** **** founding.
***** ***,*** ***** ** * ***** fraction ** **** ***** *********, **** as ********, **** ********, ***** ******** into *** ********** ****** **** ** 2019 *** *** ********** * ~**% CAGR ***** **** (****** *** * small ****).
** *** ******* ************, ***** ****** on * ******* ** **-** *** nationwide ********, ******** ** ********* *** need ** ****** ** * ***** infrastructure *** ****** "**********" ********. *****'* cloud-based ****** **** ****** **** ** deliver ********** ********, **** ** **** 2-way ***********, ************* **** ********* ***** and ********* *** *****, *** ****-**** access ** *********** **** (*.*., *********, employee *********, ***.), **** *** ***** not ********* **** ************ ******.
** *** ******** ****, ******* *** growth **** *** **** *****, ***** is ***** ************* ******* **** ********, Kenwood, ***., *** ***** ********* **** vastly ******** ********* (**** ******** *** engineering). ************, *********** ******** *********** ** radio ************** **** ***** ************* (****** for *********, ******** **************, ********* ********, etc.), ** **** ** ******** ************ with ****** *******, *****, ***. (*.*., through ***-**-*** ******** ********), **** ********* costs ******, ******* **** *****'* ******.
***** *** ******* ** **** ** an ******** ** ******** ********. ** was ********* ******** ** * ********** communication ****** *** ********. ** ****,*** ******* ******** **** *** ********** market*** *** ******* ****** ** **.
*** ******* ** ***** ** *******, NC, *** ** *** ** *** and **-************ ******.
Booth ** *** ****
*** ******* *** * ***** ** ISC **** **** ****, ***** ********* limited-to-moderate *******. ** ** **** **, Relay ********* ** *** **** ** help ******** ***** ******* ******.
***** **** ********* ** *** **** 2023.
** ****, *** ******* *** ****** $48 *******, ********* *** **** ******$** ******* ****** *, ***** ***** *** ** **** 2024. ** *** ****, *****'* ************** told ** **** *** *********** *** to ******* *********** ****** *** *** most ****** ******* *******,******. ***** ** ********* ** ********* into *** ********** ****** **** **** release, ***** *** *** **** *** company's *****.
***** *** *** ***** *** ***** to ***** **** ***** ** *** future.
Headcount ******
***** ********** *** *** ******* ***** ~50 ********* ***** *** *********** ** June, ****** *******'* ************* **** ** *** *** ~*** employees ** * ~**% **-***** ******, as ***** *****:
Revenue ******
***** ** * ******* ******* **** does *** ******** ******* *** *******, but ***** *** ******* ($***-$***/******/**** ****) and *** ******* ****** ** ******** units (***,***), ** ***** *** *** to ** ** *** $** ******* to $** ******* ***** (***** ****** revenue ** ****** ** **** ******* purchasing ******** ** *** *** *******).
***** ** *** ******* ***% ******* growth ** ****-********** **** ***.***, ***% ****** **** **** ** 2022****** **** ********, *** * ***% ******* ****** in ********** **** *****, ***** *** ********** * ~**% CAGR ***** ****, **** ** ******** into ********** ********.
Deployed *****
***** **** ** ** *** ***,*** deployed ***** *********, **** * *********** portion ** **** ** *** *********** vertical (**** **** ******* ** * major ********). *** ******* **** **** it "********" *** ****** & *********** and ** ********* ********* **** *** manufacturing *** ********** *******. ***** **** mentioned ******* ** *** ** *** market *********, *** ** *** *******, it ***** *** **** *********:
***** *** *** ****** ** *** cloud-based ****-**-**** *******,*****+*** *** ****** *****,******.**** *** * *********** ** ******** and **-** *** *************, ***** ************** them**** ************ ******.
*** *** *******'* ********* ***** ***** its ****** *****:
*** ***** ***** ********** *** ************ of ***** *** ******:
***********, ***** *******' ***** ****** ****** physical ****** ***** ** *********** **** dashboard ** ********* *** *****, ***** is *** * ******* ********* **** conventional ******. ********, *** ***** ****** the ******* ** ******** **** ************* resources *** ******* ********, **** ** live ***-*** ***********, ***** ****** **** works **** ** *********.
****** ***** ********, ***** *** * dashboard **** ****** ************** ******* ** see *********'* ******** *** *********, *** the ***** ******** *** ******* ******** (e.g., "*******" ** "**** ***"), *** more.
******, ***** **** ****** *** ***-********* Bluetooth ******* ** *** ****. ***** connect ** ****-**-**** ******* ** **** administration ******* **** ** ********* ******** with * **** *** ***** ******** level (**** ****** ** ******* *** tracking ********* **** *****'* ******* ** default).
***** **** ** **** **** **** a ******** *** ******** ********* ** its *******, ***, ***** ** ******* on *** ********, *** ******* ***** for ******* ******** ***** ** $***-$*** and ******-***-****** ******** ******** ** *** $180-$325 *****.
*** *******, * ************ ***** *** business ** ********* ****** ** *** $200-$500 *****, *** ****** *** ****** safety *** **** ********* (** ** several ******** ******* *** ******).
Relay **. ****** **. ***********
******* *********** **** ************ ****** *** cell ****** ** ***** ** ************* is ***** ********* ** *** *******'* website, *** ** *** ****, ***** mentioned "****" ** ************ ********** **** Relay *** *******. *** *******, ***** emphasized ***** ***********, ******* **** ***********, ruggedness *********** **** ******, *** ***** communication *********** **** **********.
*********, ** *** *******, ***** ******** radios **** *** ********:
** *****, ***** **** **** ******** claims/statements, **** ** "******-****** ******" *** "RADIOS *** ****" ** ***** *****:
************, ***** *** ***** * ***** of **********, ** **** ** ******* cloud-based ************ **** *** ***** *** available **** ****** (*.*., **** ***********). However, *** *********** *** *********** ** real **** ******* ** ** ****.
** **** ******* ********* ** *** push-to-talk ********, ** **'* **** ** assess *****'* ******.
Relay **. ********
***** ***** **** ** **** **** don't **** ****** *********** ** *** communication + ******** ****** ****** (*.*., not **** ***** ******* *** ************* devices ****), ***** ** ** ***** one ******* ************ ********* *********** ** Relay - ********'**** **: ******** ************** ******.
****** ****** *********** (**** ***** **** distinct ********/**** ****** **** ** ********), Motorola's **** ********* ****** ** ******** and **-** ************, ****** **************** (****** restricted ** *** ***** ******), ** also ***********, ***.
** **** *** ****** ****** ** these *******, ** ** ****** ********* on *** ***** *** *******.
*****'* ***** ******** *** ******* ** a ******* ** ************* ********* ** greatly ****** ***** **** ** ********* against ****** ******, *******, *** *********** risk **** ***** ** ****** ** larger ******* ** *** ***** ***** expanding **** **** ******** *** ********** their ***** *********** *** ****** ********* to *** ******** **** **** *****. Moreover, ***** ** **** *** ****** them, ** ** *** **** *** well **** **** *** *** ******** they ***, ********** ** *********, ***** has **** * ***** ******* ***** of ******** ***** ********* ************.
** ******* ** ** **** *** big ***** **** ******, *** ** will ******** ** ******* *** *******'* development.
*** ********* **** ***** ************** ******* that **** ** *** ************ ** internet ** ******** ******* ** **** they *** ******* ** ******* ****** severe ******* - ***** *** ***** when ********* ************** ** ****** *** most.
* *** ******** ** **** **** week **** ** *** * "**** cyclone" **** ******* *** ******* **** that **** *** *****, ********, *** cellular *******. *** **** ******* *** restored ** ***** * ***, *** it **** **** **** ** *** internet ****.
**** *** ****** ****-** *****, *********** two-way ****** **** ******** ** **** through **** ***********. **** **** ********* fail, *** *** ****** ****** ** simplex (*****-**-*****) **************.
* **** *** *********** *** ********* features **** ****** ** ** ******** by *** *****, *** * ********** wouldn't **** ** ** *** *** type ** **** ****** ** ********* communications.
** * ***** *********, * *** see **** *** ****** ** **** for ********** *** ***** *** * new ****** ** ***** *** *****. However, *** ******** **** ********* ***** falls *****. ** ****-********** ****** ***** adopt ********* **** ********* * ******, even ** * ********* ***** ** communication, ********** **** *** **************** ****** PTT ****** ******* ** *** *********** side ***.
* ********* **** **** **** ** the ****, *** **** ******** **** they’re *** ******** ** ****** ********* / ****-****** ************. **’* * ***** because ****’* ********* *** ****** **** the ******* ****** *** *** ************** and *** *** **** ***** ******* most **** ****** ** * ***** app ********—************ *** *********** ******* (*****, by *** ***, *** **** ******* on *** **** ******, *** **** during ************).