Frequently Asked Questions

What is OER?

Open Educational Resources (OER) are tools and practices that are open, freely accessible and can be fully used, shared and adapted in the digital environment. But OER is so much more than tools, OER is a movement; a movement that is leading the way in education. OER is not just about cost savings to students and easy access to content; it’s about collaboration and co-creation. It’s about a community of educators that believe in the value of systemic change; educators that provide their students with an opportunity to engage with effective technologies for learning.

What are the benefits for educational institutions?

Substantial cost savings for your students!

Lyryx offers solutions for a wide range of course models, from small class sizes to large enrollment classes and multi-section courses. We can work directly with a course coordinator to provide course content consistent across sections, while at the same time providing access for the instructors and TA’s to the work of the students in their individual sections.

The Lyryx model offers high quality comprehensive course materials that include editorial services for free, open textbooks and supplements; online assignments with immediate, personalized, formative feedback that can be paired with the open textbooks; and in-house instructor, student, and technical support available 7 days/week.

What are the benefits for students?
  • The textbooks are available at no cost and can be downloaded, printed in whole or in part, and kept indefinitely.
  • The online homework is affordably priced and can be available at no cost.
  • Answers to selected exercises and problems in the textbook are provided.
  • The online assignments give immediate, personalized, formative feedback.
  • You can try a question as many times as you like and only your best grade, submitted before the due date, is recorded.
What are the benefits for instructors?
  • Open textbooks: The open textbooks adapted by Lyryx undergo a rigorous editorial process and are presented with a high production value.
  • Online Homework: Instructor tools provide many features to customize the assignments. Instructors can follow the progress of their students throughout the course. In addition, student grade reports and performance analytics are provided.
  • Instructor Supplements: Include hard-copy exercises and solutions to selected exercises, slides and videos, demo questions for in-class teaching, multiple choice question bank.
  • Support: The Lyryx Editorial Team works one-on-one with instructors to adapt the open textbook for their particular course. Further, Lyryx online homework can also be adapted to be consistent with that version.
Why should I switch to Lyryx?

Lyryx offers a range of options to facilitate the adoption process for you. You may choose simply to utilize our base textbook with a set of online assignments that we prepare for you, to help you get started.

Or, we can help you to customize your Lyryx course extensively: this can include for example, adapting the textbook to match your delivery of the material; creating your own assignments; customizing the slides, and utilizing other available supplements. Our staff is available to assist you each step of the way, to ensure that your Lyryx course is the best fit for you.

Can I import my assignments to my new course?

Yes, the Lyryx system can easily carry forward your assignments from one of your previous courses to a new course. In addition and for example, if you are working with another instructor at your institution who has previously used Lyryx for the course, we can also import that instructor’s assignments into your course.

Can I provide extensions to individual students for an assignment?

Certainly! It is possible to provide extensions to the due date, as well as to other settings that you may have implemented for the assignments such as maximum number of attempts, or maximum duration allowed.

How do you support instructors during the course and to adapt the material?

Lyryx has an in-house support team dedicated to instructors (in addition to student- and tech-support teams). Inquiries, follow up, and resolution of concerns and issues are addressed promptly and with care.

The editorial team also works directly with instructors, to prepare adaptations to the textbook as well as corresponding adaptations to the assessment.

What is the cost for Lyryx products?

The open textbooks are available at no cost.

The online homework products can be paired with the corresponding open textbook. For information regarding the fees for each online homework product, see our pricing page.

In addition, free access to the online homework can be provided from your institution’s computer labs.


What is the ‘free lab’ option for the online assignments?

Lyryx offers free access when students work from computer labs located on campus. We can do so if the institution has IP addresses dedicated to those computer labs.


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