Construct optimal portfolios for
your stakeholders
Mirai empowers fund managers, pension funds and family offices to construct and rebalance optimal investment portfolios that satisfy the needs and constraints of their demanding stakeholders.
Request a demoBenefits at every step
Quick deployment
Unparalleled time and cost to deploy Mirai to within the organization to serve the needs of the stakeholders.
Achieve excess return
Funds invest according to the investment preferences of their stakeholder. Within these limits, Mirai constructs optimal portfolios that maximize their risk adjusted returns no matter which markets and overperform underlying benchmarks.
Powered by analytics
Mirai state-of-the-art analytics technology solution offers portfolio monitoring and allocation capabilities designed to create best investment experiences.
Partnering for better investment experiences
Mirai portfolio allocation solution can easily plug in with third-party analyst views to increase security level intelligence and deliver optimal portfolios that outperform benchmarks.
How Mirai improves investment management
Best of the both worlds
Mirai portfolio construction analytics combined with fund manager expertise offer best investment experiences to your stakeholder.
Myriad of use cases
Mirai exists so that you can offer a wide range of investment strategies to your stakeholders, at any scale and across global markets.
Real-time experience
Benefit from real-time experiences with portfolio monitoring and rebalancing powered by Mirai analytics technology.
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