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Welcome to OMG Mentorship

About the Program

Everyone should have the opportunity to learn from the experiences of others. In today’s fast-changing world, trusted guidance is more important than ever. A fresh perspective can be all it takes to overcome a challenge. Support beyond day-to-day is essential to developing our people. Mentoring is important to the wellbeing of our industry and for OMG. We believe the wisdom and experience of our talent has the potential to make a significant impact on our people.

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News & Events

Check this page to find out about upcoming speed mentoring events, Lunch & Learns and Panel discussions.


As a mentor, you will support and encourage the professional development of the mentee and provide active guidance to help them achieve their goals. You offer a fresh perspective and an independent point of view, while guiding a process that fosters the growth and educational development of the mentee.

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A mentee receives advice, support and feedback from a more experienced person over a set period of time. A mentee is open to constructive feedback and has a desire to learn and develop new skills and competencies.

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