OncoExpress is a front end search tool for accessing Crown Biosciences collection of PDX, CDX and MDX (murine derived) models for in vivo drug efficacy studies. OncoExpress is built upon Crown Bio’s existing databases allowing a snapshot view across all 3 of our model collection datasets:
HuBase™ – Crown Biosciences collection of the world’s largest Patient Derived Xenograft models.
XenoBase™ – Crown Biosciences collection of cell line models (CDX)
MuBase™ – Crown Biosciences collection of mouse derived models for syngeneic studies, including mouse cell lines, mouse tissue derived models and GEMM models.
Access to OncoExpress and the 3 underlying databases is free but requires registration.
If you have an account for HuBase, XenoBase and MuBase you can use the same login to access OncoExpress.
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