Association Structure
The work of the Association is overseen by a 14 member Executive Committee, headed by the President of the Association, and by a 100+ member Board of Directors, representative of 23 local associations/boards from across the state.
The State is also divided into six districts, each represented on the Executive Committee by a District Vice-President who serves on the Executive Committee.
Also made up of member volunteers, many committees, work groups, and task forces conduct the business of the Association with the assistance of staff liaisons.
Oregon is part of Region 12 of the National Association of REALTORS®. The other Region 12 states are Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Alaska. Representatives from regional leadership meet annually to discuss issues of importance to the industry on a region-wide level.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is comprised of 16 volunteer member leaders who are elected by the Board of Directors. Their job is to implement the strategic plan of the Association and do the year-round work of the organization for the Board’s review bi-annually. Positions on the Executive Committee are:
- President
- President-Elect
- Immediate Past President
- District 1 Vice President: Northwest Oregon
- District 2 Vice President: Coast & Valley
- District 3 Vice President: Lane County
- District 4 Vice President: Southwest Oregon
- District 5 Vice President: High Desert
- District 6 Vice President: Columbia Gorge & Eastern Oregon
- Business Issues Key Committee Chair
- Diversity Key Committee Chair
- Government Affairs Key Committee Chair
- Political Affairs Key Committee Chair
- Professional Development Key Committee Chair
Board of Directors
The Oregon REALTORS® Board of Directors is made up of locally elected member representatives from each local association/board based on size along with the Executive Committee, NAR Directors, and active Past Presidents. The Board meets twice a year at the Spring and Fall Governance Meetings to approve the work of the Executive Committee and Key and Special Committees, including reviewing the Association financial documents, approving the annual strategic plan and budget, and electing new officers for the coming year.
NAR Directors
The government of the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) is vested in the Board of Directors. The State of Oregon is represented by members on the national Board of Directors. The role of an NAR Director mirrors that of a State Director but on a national level. NAR Directors attend two national meetings (Mid-Year Legislative Meeting and Annual Conference) and the Region 12 Annual Conference, and they report back to the State on activities undertaken there.
Oregon’s NAR Directors include:
- Current President- appointment- 1 year term
- 2 Association members plus additional Oregon REALTORS® members based on membership count assessed annually- elected by Board of Directors--three-year term
- Large Board members based on membership count assessed annually--elected by the large Board--two-year term
- Past NAR Officers-not specific to Oregon but happen to be held by Oregonians due to their roles in the greater REALTOR® organization.
For more information regarding qualifications, duties and responsibilities, see Section I of the Oregon REALTORS® Policy Governance Guide.