What is a Pipe Hitter

Pipe Hitter is slang for military special operations. The mindset of a Pipe Hitter is to accomplish their mission at all costs. Pipe Hitters build Camaraderie, Espirit De Corps, and Brotherhood through riding together, helping each other out in times of need, and being active and charitable in our communities.

Club History

The Pipe Hitters Union Motorcycle Club was formed in 2012 as an independent club not affiliated with any professional organization or motorcycle club. The four founders Coke, Shrek, Sniper and Logger met in Virginia and laid out the terms for starting a motorcycle club that would cater to veterans and first responders. Contractors and like-minded civilians were added later. The first chapter “Black Clover” of the Pipe Hitters Union MC started on the east coast in Virginia. The Pipe Hitters Union MC is focused on establishing an opportunity for increased camaraderie between like-minded motorcycle enthusiasts of any race, creed, religion, or color, and dedicated to charitable purposes.

In September of 2018 the club restructured and became a not-for-profit corporation (501 C3) registered in the State of Texas.


The Pipe Hitters Union MC philosophy and vision is to exclusively serve charitable purposes benefitting former and current military personnel, military contractors, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and other similarly minded civilians in need, and to assist any fallen members of these groups and their families. This will be accomplished through building brotherhood, camaraderie, motorcycle enthusiasm, shared experiences, and the dedication of all net earnings of the Organization to charitable purposes benefiting the above-detailed groups of individuals.