
Web Hosting

web hosting

What is web hosting?

Web hosting is an online service which allows people and organisations to host their website or web pages on the internet.

The internet service provider or web hosting company are the businesses who provide the technology or servers for these web pages to be hosted on the internet.  Web pages are hosted on computers called servers which are hosted in data centres across the world directly connected to the internet to allow people to access the information via their web browsers and other internet connectivity applications.

In order to host a website on the internet you would need to have a domain name, this is a specific name which associates your web site with the reset of the world. It is like an address of your home or business which is specific to you or your business and no two are the same.

Services which accompany web hosting plans which you could expect to be provided by the hosting company are:

Email Hosting Services

Email account services, Electronic mail (email or e-mail) is a method of exchanging messages (“mail”) between people using electronic devices. Email operates across computer networks, which today is primarily the Internet. You would have a domain name which would allow you to create email addresses on the domain name for example yourname@domain-name.com this would then allow other people who have email accounts the ability to send you email messages specifically for your email account.

File Transfer

FTP accounts are also a usual feature with hosting plans, this service allows a person to connect to their web hosting account using a File Transfer Protocol applications also know and an FTP client. This is used to transfer data between a persons local computer onto the web server where the website is hosted. As an example if a person wanted to create a website and then upload this using the FPT client, they would create an FTP account on their hosting account and then connect the two together allowing the transfer of data.

WordPress Hosting

WordPress Hosting Support is also one of the most common features associated with web hosting plans today. The WordPress Blog application is the most widely used blog and website creation tool on the internet today. The service allows a person to create their own personal blog space on the internet and allows them to add feature and pages where they want. Included in the app is the ability to have free WordPress themes which are provided directly through the application and is a simple process of selecting the theme and activating it. There is no need for any advanced code knowledge to be able to manage these types of websites as most of the time it is a simple point the mouse and click to get it created.

web hosting plans

Free website builder applications are also very common with website hosting offers. These free website building services offer a hosting subscription to be able to create a website using a website builder portal. This would be a drag and drop site builder system created to allow a novice user the ability to create amazing websites with only a few clicks of their mouse. You would most likely also find that the site builders has images and videos included with the service so the host user is not required to go looking for images or video files, they can simply choose from the ones provided directly on the site building solutions.

cPanel website hosting

There are different types of web hosting services but the main ones would be a shared hosting service which is when many hosting accounts are setup on once server and the servers resources are shared across all the websites hosted on it, then there is the dedicated hosting services which is when a bible website is setup on one server allowing all the resources and power from that server be used for the one website only allowing it to be fast and setup specifically for that website. Most website which go the route of a dedicated hosting service are the ones which have high traffic or many visitors at one time, what this means is that If there are many visitors on a website at one time the server hosting the website would need to be able to give all the visitors the same level of content delivery without the service slowing down. This is done on a dedicated service type of hosting as this allows the website access to all the resources available on the server itself as it is not sharing this with other websites.

In closing if you are looking for cheap shared website hosting or if you are looking for dedicated web hosting and domain name registration we would recommend taking a look at out website hosting plans and cheap domain name options on our website. We have provided some useful links below to allow you to navigate to some of our best web hosting plans.

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