You can quickly change the date/time period of your report? In the top-right corner of the Reporting panel, click on the clock icon. A menu will pop up with a selection of date ranges. Once a new date range has been selected, your report will update instantly.
Did you know?
You can add a title to your report. The report "Name" field is located within the "Report Options" field category. This feature is perfect when a wallboard requires a text description.
Did you know?
You can assign monetary values to calls waiting and missed calls? Complete the "Financial / Monetary Call Assignments" tabs, then add the "Waiting Call Value" and "Abandoned Call Cost" fields to your report and find out!
Real-Time Call Analytics
Over 400 sets of historical and real time statistics.
Configurable Alarms
Set alerts to automatically notify you when objectives are not met.
Wallboards, Charts and Reports
Easily monitor operations, track performance and identify trends.