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Simulation and Training

Safety is the key factor in every operation we do in our life. When you train young aircraft pilots, air-traffic controllers, new truck drivers, new maritime personnel, you want them to become confident and professional in the future. This is a real and complex challenge — to simulate the world in a way where it looks and acts as if in real life. All the domains really cross here: computer science, physics/numerical methods, software engineering
You can not build reliable simulation solutions without deep knowledge of every topic involved. That's why simulation is one of the most challenging domains. Simlabs has put simulation in its name — and here is why:
Simulation experience
Simlabs team has more than 15 years of simulation experience: from maritime simulation to airplanes and space, from city infrastructure modelling to ground combat tactics, from nozzle fluid simulation to 3D-printing processes. Over the years, we have participated in the creation of a large number of various simulators and training tools.
Physically-correct and visually-plausible modelling
To be sure we produce accurate simulation results, we must rely on physically-correct models, and this holds true for everything we simulate: from nozzle dynamics to ocean waves, from airplane ground and air dynamics to atmospheric scattering. Simlabs ensures this by using the latest researchers, applying state-of-the-art numerical methods and providing verification and results-matching. This is a real scientific art — putting it all together, and we are proud to say that we can do it.
In-depth domains expertise and training
Usually it is not enough just to model the phenomenon — we should provide a meaningful way to teach and learn based on that. Here we fully rely on domain expertise and we always work together with SMEs to ensure our simulators not only simulate what we want, but that we can teach it, and one can learn from using them. This is another crucial skill, where we combine teaching assistance with learning management, SMEs opinions with UX-standards. The complete product is made for people who learn, not for the domain we model, and we never forget about it.

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