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Published byGeorge McKinney Modified over 9 years ago
© 2014. All rights reserved. Front Range Roundtable Welcome to the Front Range Roundtable Q4-14 Meeting USGS, Denver Federal Center, Denver November 14, 2014 Facilitated by:
© 2014. All rights reserved. Front Range Roundtable 2 Today’s Agenda 1.Opening: Check-in, social, and networking time9:00 – 9:30 2.Welcome: Introductions, announcements, about the Front Range Roundtable9:30 – 10:15 3.Colorado legislation and Wildfire Review Committee: Update and discussion on implications for Roundtable and gauge how we’re progressing on our policy-oriented Roundtable recommendations (Commissioner Cindy Domenico and Senator Jeanne Nicholson) 10:15 – 11:00 4.Partner Update: Local spotlight: USGS11:00 – 11:15 5.National Indicators: Update on the 5-Year Ecological Indicators results that were recently submitted for the Colorado Front Range CFLRP 11:15 – 11:30 6.Lunch (break)11:30 – 12:00 7.Mastication: Overview of current management considerations and research on fuels and trees, soils and nutrient cycling, understory plant responses and fire. Panel discussion led by Brett Wolk – CSU- CFRI (Speakers: Jill Alexander – Douglas County Wildlife Mitigation Coordinator, Mike Battaglia – USFS- RMRS, Chuck Rhodes – USFS-RMRS, Monique Rocca – CSU) 12:00 – 2:10 8.Break2:10 – 2:20 9.Wood Use Team: Creating a cooperative biomass/wood utilization team (Mike Eckhoff – USFS/CSFS)2:20 – 2:35 10.Housekeeping: Fundraising, contractor budget, Executive Team terms, calendar2:35 – 3:05 11.Wrap-Up: Next steps, thanks3:05 – 3:30 12.Closing: Clean up, social, and networking time3:30 – 4:00
© 2014. All rights reserved. Front Range Roundtable Vision Round -table Colorado’s Fire Seasons 3 Thousands of acres of wildfire per year (Total = 1.9 million acres of wildfire since 1995) Sources: 1995 – 2010: Rocky Mountain Area and Coordination Center Annual Activity Report (2001-2004); Wildland Fire Activity by Cause, Combining Federal and Non- federal Agencies Within Each State (; 2011 – 2012: Includes Hayman fire: $200 million of costs from the Hayman Fire alone, which accounted for one- fifth of all acres burned that year (138k acres) Includes Buffalo Creek fire: 12k acres Includes Bobcat Gulch fire: 11k acres Includes Fourmile fire: 6k acres Seven years of implementation FRFTP formed Includes Waldo (18k acres) and High Park (87k acres)
© 2014. All rights reserved. Front Range Roundtable Front Range Forests 4 4 4.2 million acres of forest in the Front Range 1.4 million in need of ecological restoration and fire risk mitigation “Lower Montane”: Dry Ponderosa pine and Dry Douglas fir “Upper Montane”: Mesic Ponderosa Pine and Mixed Conifer “Subalpine”: Lodgepole Pine and Spruce Fir
© 2014. All rights reserved. Front Range Roundtable Definitions of Front Range life zones 5 1 Elevations noted are rough estimates – actual elevation limits depend on latitude, aspect, and other local factors; elevations generally lower in northern Front Range and on north-facing slopes, higher in southern Front Range and on south-facing slopes (e.g., Upper limit of Lower Montane ~7,500’ in Larimer vs. ~8,500’ in El Paso) 2May include: Ponderosa Pine, Douglas-fir (up to ~8,000’), Aspen, Blue Spruce, Limber Pine, Engelmann Spruce, Sub-alpine Fir Note:Riparian zones are included and considered in each life zone in which they are found General elevations 1 >~11,500’ ~9,000-9,500’ to ~11,500’ ~8,000’ to ~9,000- 9,500’ ~6,000’ to ~8,000’ ~5,500’ to ~6,000’ Sub- alpine Upper Montane Lower Montane Lower Ecotone Alpine Dominant overstory composition Associated vegetation types Mountain-mahogany Scrub Oak No trees Lodgepole Pine Spruce/Fir Mesic Ponderosa Pine Mesic Mixed Conifer 2 Dry Ponderosa Pine Dry Douglas-fir Transition to Ponderosa Pine Grassland Mountain-mahogany Scrub Oak Some permanent meadows Front Range life zones Grassy slopes and boulder fields Sedges, mat and cushion plants, dwarf willows Bogs, meadows, ponds, rich in wildflowers Example communities None Winter Park Ward Boulder Golden Evergreen Monument Estes Park Granby
© 2014. All rights reserved. Front Range Roundtable The Lower Montane is the Roundtable’s highest priority ecosystem for landscape-scale ecological restoration. 6 1 Elevations noted are rough estimates – actual elevation limits depend on latitude, aspect, and other local factors 2Historical Range of Variability in terms of vegetation characteristics; fuel composition; fire frequency, severity and pattern; and other associated disturbances General elevations 1 >~11,500’ ~9,000-9,500’ to ~11,500’ ~8,000’ to ~9,000-9,500’ ~6,000’ to ~8,000’ ~5,500’ to ~6,000’ Sub- alpine Upper Montane Lower Montane Lower Ecotone Alpine High Mixed Low Difference from HRV 2 ? Risk of ignition / fire spread HRV 2 well understood? Front Range ecosystems
© 2014. All rights reserved. Front Range Roundtable Historical photos show how forest treatments in the Lower Montane restore forest structures 7
© 2014. All rights reserved. Front Range Roundtable 4.2 million acres of forests 6 (53% of all land types 7 ) including 2 million acres of habitat for 31 species of concern 5 80% of Front Range forests have recreation opportunities 5 attracting some of Colorado’s 65 million overnight visitors spending $17 billion 13 annually, making tourism the second- highest employment sector in the state, with 150,700 jobs 14 $5 million per year of available biomass from forest treatments 12 1,246 essential water supply infrastructures (intakes 4, reservoirs, transbasin diversions) 4.2 million acres of forest watersheds important for drinking water (65% at risk for post-fire erosion) 5 1,775 miles of roads 8 1,573 miles of transmission lines 664 miles of gas pipeline 9 122 communications towers 10 1.Federal Register (as of January 4, 2001) 2.2005 Census (ESRI) 3.SERGoM (Spatially Explicit Regional Growth Model) version `12 June 2008 (Theobald) 100m Front Range Lives and Resources Remain at Risk 8 People 881 communities 1 2 million people (more than 40% of Colorado’s population) 2 More than 700,000 homes 3 Water and safety Natural and economic resources 4.CDPHE, 2009 5.Colorado State Forest Service and The Nature Conservancy. 2009. Colorado Statewide Forest Assessment (in preparation). 6.LANDFIRE, 2006 (Includes PJ and shrubs) 12.166,000 bdt/y (Jefferson County Biomass Facility Feasibility Study, McNeil Technologies Inc, January 2005 ) * $30 13.Daily Camera, November 5, 2014 14.Longwoods Int’l Colorado Travel Year Report 2013 7.ESRI, 2007 8.TIGER: USCB. 2006 9.Ventyx, December 2009 10.FAA, 2009 11.Rocky Mountain News, January 12, 2009
© 2014. All rights reserved. Front Range Roundtable The Front Range Roundtable 9 Overlap of goals Fire Risk Mitigation Goals Ecological Restoration Goals ~400,000 acres ~700,000 acres The Front Range roundtable has reached consensus that 1.5 million acres of Front Range forests require treatments to reduce fire risk and/or achieve ecological restoration. Vision The Front Range Roundtable was formed to “serve as a focal point for diverse stakeholder input into efforts to reduce wildland fire risks and improve forest health through sustained fuels treatment along the Colorado Front Range.” Mission
© 2014. All rights reserved. Front Range Roundtable Source: Map by USFS-ARP 2008 Map of Priorities: Accomplishments vs. 2006 Recommendations 10 Notes on methods 1.Data collected back to 2004 to our best available knowledge (received for treated acres separately from planned acres as shown) 2.Excludes private land treated without the assistance of the CSFS 3.Excludes county lands treated in Park, Teller, Douglas, El Paso, and Grand. 4.Some of these areas have been treated with prescribed or natural burn and may not require additional near-term treatment. Some of these areas have been treated mechanically but still require prescribed or natural burn to achieve restoration. 5.Different databases are used between units/agencies. Data is comparable within a unit, but not between units. This should be resolved for 2009 and future years.
© 2014. All rights reserved. Front Range Roundtable Treatment Accomplishments by County as of 2008 vs. 2006 Roundtable Recommendations 11 Front Range Roundtable county Roundtable priority areas as of 2006 Acres treated anywhere in County (2004- 2008) Acres treated in Roundtable priority areas % of priority acres treated (as of 2008) % of treatments outside Roundtable priorities Boulder 150,245 12,844 9%0% Clear Creek 63,133 246 1000%59% Douglas 181,303 12,480 8,9755%28% El Paso 138,681 5,658 7441%87% Gilpin 44,453 787 4781%39% Grand 56,563 20,042 4,4798%78% Jefferson 227,805 22,336 10%0% Larimer 226,460 23,425 7,6713%67% Park 194,431 10,191 8,9225%12% Teller 143,850 21,880 13,5739%38% TOTAL 1,426,925 129,888 80,1226%38% Data underlying the monitoring map on the prior slide:
© 2014. All rights reserved. Front Range Roundtable Progress Towards the Roundtable Vision 12 Direct Roundtable Successes 1.Launched the self-sustaining Woodland Park Healthy Forest Initiative (WPHFI) with seed funds of $75,000 provided by Roundtable members and partners, which the WPHFI leveraged into an additional $175,000 in other funding 2.Helped submit a winning proposal to the Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program (CFLRP) for an additional $1 million for Front Range National Forests in FY10, $3.4 million in FY11, $3.1 million in FY12, and $3.8 million for 2013, and $4.06 million for 2014 ($15.36 million to date) Partners’ successes consistent with recommendations 1.Long term stewardships contracts: Arapaho-Roosevelt and Pike-San Isabel (3,000 acres/yr for 10 years) 2.Increased federal funding for on the ground treatments: $1.8 mm more in 2008 than in 2006; $1 million in 2009 ARRA funds 3.Biomass utilization: bioheating in Gilpin, Boulder, and Park counties; planned in El Paso; 22 slash sites for private landowners across Front Range 4.CWPPs: 75 Front Range CWPPs approved (out of 151 completed in Colorado) 5.Policies: Passage of state legislation authorizing the creation of local Forest Improvement Districts
© 2014. All rights reserved. Front Range Roundtable 1.Identify new state and local funding sources for treatments on state and private land. 2.Increase forest treatment incentives for private landowners. 3.Advocate for additional federal funding for Front Range forest treatments. 4.Increase appropriate application of prescribed fire and wildland fire use as a management tool. 5.Increase utilization of woody biomass for facility heating. 6.Increase contract sizes and durations with stewardship contracts on federal land. 7.Change local policy to limit the growth of fire risk in the Wildland-Urban Interface. 8.Promote the development of Community Wildfire Protection Plans for Front Range communities-at-risk. 9.Adopt a clear and common framework for prioritizing treatments. 10.Convene follow-on Roundtable to ensure implementation of recommended initiatives. Scorecard of Roundtable’s Vision 13 Set clear priorities and ensure progress against common goals Ensure local leadership and planning Reduce the cost of forest treatments Increase funding for forest treatments Roundtable Goals (2006) Recommended initiatives Source: Most initiatives were rated by a poll at the September 18, 2009 Quarterly Roundtable meeting of 37 attendees from 24 organizations representing 11 stakeholder groups. Ratings for initiatives 3, 5, and 6 were increased by one level at the December 2, 2010 Executive Team meeting. Ratings for initiatives 3, 5, and 6 were raised on level at the March 4, 2011 Roundtable meeting; 2012 assessment made at Q4-12 meeting Nov. 30, 2012. 2013 assessment done at the April 11, 2014 Roundtable meeting. 2011 B B Y B Y B R Y B Y R 20102009 R Y Y B Y R B BB B Y B G B R B G R R G Y Significant progress made Initial progress made Needs attention B Some progress made R 2012 Y Y B R Y G G R Y G 2013 B B G R G Y R B Y B
© 2014. All rights reserved. Front Range Roundtable Roundtable Organization 14 1.The Front Range Roundtable is not itself a legal entity but an informal volunteer coalition with CUSP acting as fiscal agent. 2.Partner groups are separate from the Front Range Roundtable and have their own organizational structures and initiatives. 3.Project leader and fiscal agent for the CFLRP Monitoring Teams 4.Includes work done by sub-teams: Social & Economic Monitoring Team, Wildlife Team, Understory Team, Upper Monument Creek; Spatial Heterogeneity Team; Stand Reconstruction Team; LCC Monitoring (closed); Operationalizing Adaptive Management Team; GTR Team; AR South Zone project Members Executive Team Facilitator Community Protection (CP) Team Front Range Fuels Treatment Partnership (FRFTP) 2 Northern Front Range Mountain Pine Beetle Working Group (NFRMPBWG) 2 Colorado Watershed Wildfire Protection Working Group (CWWPWG) 2 Guests Landscape Restoration (LR) Team Colorado Wood Energy Team (formerly BUSS) Roundtable Partners Mixed teams Coalition for the Upper South Platte (CUSP)—Fiscal Agent) 1 Funders Colorado Forest Restoration Institute (CFRI) 3 Wildlife Team Since 2006, 600 people from 180 organizations have participated in the Roundtable (226 active subscribers to email list; to join, see “Join Us”) Boulder CountyNational Forest Foundation Clear Creek CountyUSFS-AR Douglas CountyUSFS-Pike Gilpin CountyCSFS El Paso CountyCSU/CFRI Jefferson CountyTNC Larimer CountyWest Range Reclamation Park CountyRMRS Teller CountyDenver Water Aurora WaterNRCS Operation- alizing Adaptive Manage- ment Team Under -story Team Other Efforts 4 Recommendations Refresh Team
© 2014. All rights reserved. Front Range Roundtable Executive Team Structure and Change Process 15 Size: At least 6 or no more than 11 members 4 Process for changing membership: Only when there is a change in the leadership of the organization shown 1.Three seats are dedicated permanently to these leadership positions from these organizations shown 2.Four seats are dedicated to the stakeholder groups shown with specific representation changing each year, as desired 3.One seat is dedicated for the fiscal agent of the Roundtable, one seat is for each of the two main working teams: the Community Protection Team and the Landscape Restoration Team. 4.Membership size can very depending on the decisions of the Executive team and Roundtable needs / number of applicants. Also currently recruiting someone from emergency management. Considering (but not seeking) representatives from Academia and Wildlife (back burner for now) Terms end (or renew) May 2015 Terms end (or renew) at end of June 2015 Term ends (or renews) Dec 2014 Dedicated to certain organizations 1 Dedicated to certain stakeholder groups 2 Dedicated to members based on Roundtable roles 3 USFS-ARP Supervisor Glenn Casamassa USFS-PSICC Supervisor Erin Connelly CSFS State Forester Mike Lester Conserva- tion NGO Paige Lewis, The Nature Conservancy County Commis- sioner – Northern Front Range Cindy Domenico, Boulder County County Commis- sioner – Southern Front Range Sallie Clark El Paso County Treasurer Carol Ekarius, Coalition for the Upper South Platte Landscape Restoration Team Liaison Greg Aplet, The Wilderness Society Community Protection Team Liaison Megan Davis, Boulder County Forest Industry Chuck Dennis, West Range Reclamation Term ends (or renews) Sept 2015 Current Executive Team Membership
© 2014. All rights reserved. Front Range Roundtable Front Range Roundtable Roles 16 1.Propose strategic, organizational, and operational priorities for the Roundtable’s consideration at Quarterly meetings 2.In between Quarterly meetings, make decisions on behalf of the Roundtable as needed 3.Approve agendas for Roundtable Quarterly meetings (proposed by Facilitator) 4.Meet once each quarter between Quarterly Roundtable meetings 5.Provide letters of support for regional programs in grant applications (but not to individual communities, which may be competing within the Front Range); provide our recommendations and funding criteria to major grantors on an annual basis Executive Team Working Teams Facilitator 1.Schedule, arrange, and facilitate Roundtable Quarterly meetings, Executive Team meetings, and some working team meetings (where the Executive Team has decided to provide that level of support to working teams) 2.Support select working teams (at discretion of the Executive Team) in achieving their goals by providing organizational, administrative, and logistical support (e.g., keeping work plans) —not content or legwork 3.Act as the central point of contact for all Roundtable internal and external communications (e.g., email distribution list, website maintenance) 1.Execute on the Roundtable’s strategic goals, according to work plans developed jointly by the teams 2.Present progress updates at Quarterly Roundtable meetings 3.Attend working team meetings as scheduled, typically two calls per month with some in person meetings as determined by the team Members 1.Attend quarterly Roundtable meetings and, when required, approve or change proposals by the Executive Team 2.Share relevant announcements and updates to Quarterly Roundtable meetings; productively contribute to discussions, honoring the obligation to dissent when necessary 3.Volunteer for working teams if able and/or want to see something done by the Roundtable Updated at the 9/26 ET meeting
© 2014. All rights reserved. Front Range Roundtable Front Range Roundtable Participants Through the Years 17 Last updated Nov 2014: Since 2006, 600 people from 180 organizations have participated in the Roundtable (226 active subscribers to email list; to join, see “Join Us”) Org TypeOrganizationTotal CommunityCal-Wood Education Center1 CL FIRES1 Coal Creek Community1 Crystal Lakes3 Glacier View Meadows3 Red Feather Lakes4 Tourism and recreation program1 Town of Gold Hill1 ConservationARP Foundation1 Choose Outdoors1 Coalition for the Upper South Platte6 Conservation Districts, Colorado Geological Survey1 For the Forest1 Forest Health Task Force1 Indian Peaks Forest Alliance (IPFA)3 National Forest Foundation3 Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory1 Southern Rockies Conservation Alliance2 The Conservation Cooperative1 The Nature Conservancy6 The Wilderness Society2 Western Rivers Institute1 County agencyBoulder County10 Clear Creek County1 Colorado Counties Inc.1 Colorado State Forest Service1 Douglas County7 El Paso County3 El Paso County Community Services Department1 Gilpin County1 Grand County1 Jefferson Conservation District1 Jefferson County3 Larimer County2 Park County1 Park County Planning1 County gov'tBoulder County4 Clear Creek County3 Douglas County1 El Paso County7 Gilpin County2 Grand County4 Jefferson County1 2 Jefferson County Board of Commissioners1 Larimer County3 Park County1 Teller County3 Org TypeOrganizationTotal Federal agencyBureau of Land Management7 National Park Service5 Natural Resources Conservation Service6 US Bureau of Land Management1 US Bureau of Reclamation1 US Fish & Wildlife Service4 US Forest Service15 US Forest Service, ARP20 US Forest Service, Boulder4 US Forest Service, Canyon Lakes1 US Forest Service, Golden1 US Forest Service, NRS1 US Forest Service, Pikes Peak2 US Forest Service, PSICC17 US Forest Service, R212 US Forest Service, RMRS11 US Forest Service-Ouray1 US Forest Service-Region 22 US Geological Survey6 Federal gov'tOffice of Ed Perlmutter1 Office of Representative Mike Coffman1 Office of Senator Mark Udall2 Office of Senator Michael Bennet2 Office of U.S. Senator Mark Udall1 Office of US Senator Bennet1 Rocky Mountain Research Station1 Senate Majority Policy Office1 Senator Mark Udall's Office1 US Forest Service, ARP1 Fire Protection DistrictBoulder Fire Department1 Boulder Mountain Fire District1 Boulder Mountain Fire Protection District1 Boulder Rural Fire Department1 Boulder Rural Police Department1 Coal Creek Canyon Fire Protection District1 Colorado Springs Fire Department2 Gold Hill Fire Protection District2 Lefthand Fire Protection District3 Nederland Fire1 Nederland Fire Protection District1 Nederland Fire, Timberland Fire1 Sugarloaf Fire Protection District1 Sunshine Fire Protection District3 Org TypeOrganizationTotal Forest productsAnchor Point Fire Management1 Colorado Renewable Resource Cooperative5 Colorado State Tree Farm Committee1 Colorado Timber Industry Association3 Environmental Energy Partners4 Environmental Forestry Services, LLC1 Forest Energy Colorado1 New Range Power1 Slash Solutions LLC1 West Range Reclamation3 West Range Reclamation, LLC1 Xcel Energy1 Gov't associationColorado Counties Inc.1 Colorado Municipal League1 County Sheriffs of Colorado1 Insurance Rocky Mountain Insurance Information Association3 Local agencyBoulder County1 Boulder OEM1 City of Boulder1 Park County1 Local gov'tBoulder County1 Boulder County Sheriff's Office1 City of Boulder1 City of Fort Collins2 City of Greeley3 City of Woodland Park1 Northwest Colorado Council of Governments1 Town of Nederland4 PlanningAmerican Planning Association1 Colorado Chapter American Planning Association1 PrivateBear Creek Development Co.1 Beh Management Consulting, Inc.7 Bihn Systems1 Blue Knight Group3 CDJ Consulting1 Colorado Forest Management, LLC1 Confluence Energy1 Critical MAS1 Fire & Life Safety Educators of Colorado1 Habitat Management Inc.1 JW Associates1 NRE1 Our Future Summit1 Peterson Design2 Private citizen7 Private landowner, Larimer County1 Private landowner, Teller County1 Unknown1 Volunteer1 Walsh Environmental1 Org TypeOrganizationTotal RecreationAmerican Alpine Club1 Colorado Mountain Club2 Science / AcademicCenter of the American West2 Colorado State University27 CU Institute of Behavioral Sciences1 Rocky Mountain Tree-Ring Research3 University of Colorado at Boulder2 University of Colorado at Denver1 State agency Colorado Air Pollution Control Division1 Colorado Department of Health & Environment2 Colorado Department of Natural Resources2 Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment1 Colorado Department of Public Safety1 Colorado Division of Emergency Management2 Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife1 Colorado Division of Wildlife2 Colorado Office of Economic Development1 Colorado Renewable Resource Cooperative1 Colorado State Forest Service19 Colorado State Forest Service2 Colorado State Parks3 Governor's Energy Office1 US Forest Service, ARP1 State gov't Coalition for the Upper South Platte1 Colorado General Assembly2 Office of Senator Mark Udall1 US Forest Service, ARP1 Water American Water Works Association2 City of Aurora1 Colorado Springs Utilities4 Denver Water1 Jefferson Conservation District1 Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District1 Grand Total438
© 2014. All rights reserved. Front Range Roundtable Front Range Roundtable 2013-2015 Goals 18 Community Protection (CP) Team [draft goals] Landscape Restoration (LR) Team 1.Gather, analyze, and evaluate CFLR monitoring data in order to report to the Roundtable and Congress on whether forest treatments are trending towards desired conditions. 2.Gather, analyze, and evaluate new science and research methods to refine definitions of desired conditions 3.Implement Upper Monument Creek project as a model for collaborative forest treatment planning and implementation; identify similar opportunities for collaborative implementation planning on the AR Executive Team 1.Annually fundraise at least $50,000 2.Plan and execute quarterly Roundtable meetings and agendas 3.Respond to letter of support requests as needed 1.The community protection team will serve as a communication, networking, and information exchange among professionals working on community wildfire protection, wildfire mitigation, and private landowner education. 2.Increase stakeholder involvement in the Community Protection Team and devote one of the four larger Roundtable meetings each year to community protection issues. Wildlife Team 1.By Spring 2014, recommend a wildlife monitoring plan for the CFLRP by prioritizing an abridged list of species to monitor, hypothesizing expected post-treatment population trends for each target species, and proposing data collection and monitoring methods for each target species, with budgets 2.Identify opportunities for collaborating entities to contribute to monitoring implementation. Recommendations Refresh Team 1.Refine treatment priorities: Goal still to be defined (starting with review of USFS long terms treatment plans at May 31, 2012 meeting (done); add roadless rules boundaries to map (done); then possibly refine priority acres, based on feasibility [slope, access], other consideration of other forest types, such as mixed conifer; USFS insect risk map; COWRAP portal to add fire risk to treatment map) 2.Update the Front Range 10-County map of completed treatments Prescribed Fire Initiative Policy Initiative 1.Goal still to be defined (starting with checking in with prescribed fire council) 1.Goal still to be defined (Community Protection team will brainstorm ideas) = Top priorities= If capacity allows / in planning stages ? ? √ √
© 2014. All rights reserved. Front Range Roundtable 2015 Roundtable, ET, Landscape Restoration & Wildlife Team Calendar (dates subject to change) 19 Team/EventLocationDateTime Quarterly Roundtable MeetingUSGS, Denver Federal CenterFriday, November 14, 20149-3:30 Executive Team Quarterly MeetingUSFS, RO, DenverFriday, December 5, 201412:30-3:30 LR Team Monthly MeetingJeffCo Taj Bldg, 100 Jefferson County Pkwy, Golden, CO 80419Wednesday, December 10, 201410am - 3pm LR Team Monthly MeetingGoTo MeetingWednesday, January 14, 201511:30-3 WWT Quarterly MeetingTBDTuesday, January 27, 201510-3 LR Team Monthly MeetingJeffCo Taj Bldg, 100 Jefferson County Pkwy, Golden, CO 80419Wednesday, February 11, 201510-3 Quarterly Roundtable MeetingColorado SpringsFriday, February 20, 20159-3:30 LR Team Monthly MeetingGoTo MeetingWednesday, March 11, 201511:30-3 Executive Team Quarterly MeetingGoTo MeetingFriday, March 20, 20159:30-12 LR Team Monthly MeetingJeffCo Taj Bldg, 100 Jefferson County Pkwy, Golden, CO 80419Wednesday, April 8, 201510-3 WWT Quarterly MeetingTBDTuesday, April 21, 201510-3 LR Team Monthly MeetingGoTo MeetingWednesday, May 13, 201511:30-3 Quarterly Roundtable MeetingDenverFriday, May 15, 20159-3:30 LR Team Monthly MeetingJeffCo Taj Bldg, 100 Jefferson County Pkwy, Golden, CO 80419Wednesday, June 10, 201510-3 Executive Team Quarterly MeetingTBD – DenverFriday, June 26, 201512:30-3:30 LR Team Monthly MeetingGoTo MeetingWednesday, July 8, 201511:30-3 WWT Quarterly MeetingTBDTuesday, July 21, 201510-3 LR Team Monthly MeetingJeffCo Taj Bldg, 100 Jefferson County Pkwy, Golden, CO 80419Wednesday, August 12, 201510-3 Quarterly Roundtable MeetingLongmontFriday, August 28, 20159-3:30 LR Team Monthly MeetingGoTo MeetingWednesday, September 9, 201511:30-3 Executive Team Quarterly MeetingGoTo MeetingFriday, September 26, 20159:30-12 LR Team Monthly MeetingTBDWednesday, October 14, 201510-3 WWT Quarterly MeetingTBDTuesday, October 20, 201510-3 Quarterly Roundtable MeetingDenverFriday, December 4, 20159-3:30 LR Team Monthly MeetingGoTo MeetingWednesday, November 18, 201511:30-3 LR Team Monthly MeetingJeffCo Taj Bldg, 100 Jefferson County Pkwy, Golden, CO 80419Wednesday, December 9, 201510-3
© 2014. All rights reserved. Front Range Roundtable Next Steps 11-14-14 Meeting Mastication Taskforce Team: Group interested: Mike B, Chuck D, Brett, Chad, Jonas, Ryan Ludlow, Carol, Eric Howell (utility), Chris Wennogle. Will be led by Brett Wolk. Additionally, Glen and Erin will each provide a fire behavior person (may be the same employee). Glenn suggested utility people. Brett Wolk and CFRI: Draw up what the Roundtable consensus is on the role of mastication in ecological restoration. Ask Chad Hoffman to attend our next meeting Chuck Dennis Do initial research: Look at the mastication research from the Roundtable panel along with the state forest mastication work/recommendations. Rob, Paige and Recommendations Refresh Team: Revisit the mastication statements that are in our vision and work with the experts, etc. and get that updated. Other: Terra Lenihan: Ask Joseph Hansen if he would participate in the mastication team Give Mike Eckhoff our old list of Biomass people. 20 = Completed= On track= Needs attention= Deferred √ √ ? X
© 2014. All rights reserved. Front Range Roundtable Next Steps 9-5-14 Meeting Mark Martin – Combine pre-2009 treatment maps with the 2009-2013 map that Ron brought to the 9/5/14 meeting including major fires. Paige Lewis and Sara Mayben – Let group know about field trip to the UMC to see damage from insects to the proposed restoration area. Paige Lewis and Rob Addington – Convene initial meeting for a Roundtable Recommendations Refresh team. Initial members include Casey Cooley, Rob Addington, Greg Aplet, James Schriever, Matt Schulz, Chuck Dennis, Mike McHugh, Megan Davis, Tom Fry, Sara Mayben, Chad Julian, Don Kennedy, RC Smith, Mike Lester, Jonathan Bruno. Terra – Send email addresses of Ron Archuleta, Casey Cooley and Mike Lester to Jen Kovecses – she will add you to the Colorado Conservation Exchange distribution list to hear about meetings and information. Brett Wolk – Convene a group (Paula Fornwalt, Mike Battaglia) to give a presentation and lead an agenda item about the science of mastication. 21 = Completed= On track= Needs attention= Deferred √ √ ? X √ √ √ √
© 2014. All rights reserved. Front Range Roundtable Next Steps 4-11-14 Meeting Terra – Send Jim McGannon, Marcia Pfleiderer and Shawna Crocker a copy of the Roundtable booklet Terra - Talk to ET about moving the next Roundtable from August 29 to September 5 (Aug 29 is the Friday before Labor Day). Mark Martin – Update maps of treatment areas; last update was 2009. Mike Eckhoff – Lead a meeting to discuss biomass and the Roundtable. The following folks will attend: Chuck Dennis, Mike Lester, Jim McGannon and Mike Eckhoff. Paige - Start a group discussion around updating the 40-year treatment. Led by Paige and will include Casey, Rob, Paige, Greg, James Schriever, Matt Schulz, Chuck, Mike McHugh. Paige will also ask the larger group. 22 = Completed= On track= Needs attention= Deferred √ √ ? X √ √ √ √
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