Project Description

Job Creation and Entrepreneurship

Portugal 2030

This support is aimed at creating and promoting employment and entrepreneurship. Eligible actions include the creation of one’s own job by setting up a company, the creation of new permanent jobs associated with the creation of new companies or the expansion of existing companies and the creation of new permanent jobs in social economy entities.

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Support Status



Up to 85% Lost Fund


Mainland Portugal

Eligible Entities

Micro Enterprises
Small Enterprises
Medium-Sized Enterprises
Social Economy Entities

Job Creation and Entrepreneurship

Portugal 2030

This support is aimed at creating and promoting employment and entrepreneurship. Eligible actions include the creation of one’s own job by setting up a company, the creation of new permanent jobs associated with the creation of new companies or the expansion of existing companies and the creation of new permanent jobs in social economy entities.

Download the Infosheet

Support Status



Up to 85% Lost Fund


Mainland Portugal

Eligible Entities

Micro Enterprises
Small Enterprises
Medium-Sized Enterprises
Social Economy Entities

Incentive Conditions

  • The following actions are eligible*
    • a) Creation of own employment through business start-ups;
    • b) Creation of new open-ended jobs associated with the creation of new companies or the expansion of existing companies;
    • c) Creation of new open-ended jobs in social economy entities.
  • * Eligibility must be verified for each region.
  • Mainland Portugal.
  • Up to 85% Lost Fund
  • * It is necessary to check the rate for each Region.
  • The following are eligible for support
    • a) Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises;
    • b) Social economy entities:
      • Cooperatives;
      • Mutual associations;
      • Misericórdias;
      • Foundations;
      • Private social solidarity institutions not covered by the previous paragraphs;
      • Associations with altruistic purposes that operate in the cultural, recreational, sports and local development spheres;
      • Entities covered by the community and self-management sub-sectors, integrated under the terms of the Constitution into the cooperative and social sector;
      • Other entities with legal personality that respect the guiding principles of the social economy.
  • Eligible recipients of this type of operation are:
    • a) unemployed people registered for at least three months with the Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional, I.P. (IEFP, I.P.). (IEFP, I.P.);
    • b) unemployed people registered for at least two months with the IEFP, I.P., if they are aged 29 or under or 45 or over;
    • c) unemployed people registered with the IEFP, I.P., regardless of how long they have been registered, if they are:
      • recipient of unemployment benefit;
      • beneficiary of the social insertion income;
      • disabled person
      • person who is part of a single-parent family;
      • person whose spouse or unmarried partner is also unemployed, registered with the IEFP, I.P.;
      • victims of domestic violence; refugees;
      • ex-prisoners and those serving or having served sentences or non-custodial judicial measures who are in a position to enter working life;
      • drug addicts in the process of recovery;
      • a person who has served in the Armed Forces on a contract, special contract or voluntary basis;
      • homeless person;
      • victims of trafficking in human beings;
    • d) other unemployed or inactive people not covered by the above, who have no social security records as employees or self-employed workers in the 6 months prior to being hired, regardless of whether there are no contributions (for example, in cases where the respective exemption may apply).
  • The support is implemented as follows:
    • a) Through the Unit Cost for Direct Personnel Costs (CDP), direct personnel costs are funded.
    • b) Through the application of a fixed rate on the costs referred to in the previous point (Unit Cost CDP), the remaining cost categories associated with job creation are funded (direct costs, except personnel costs, and indirect costs).

Incentive Conditions

The following actions are eligible*
a) Creation of own employment through business start-ups;
b) Creation of new open-ended jobs associated with the creation of new companies or the expansion of existing companies;
c) Creation of new open-ended jobs in social economy entities.
* Eligibility must be verified for each region.

Mainland Portugal.

Up to 85% Lost Fund
* It is necessary to check the rate for each Region.

The following are eligible for support
a) Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises;
b) Social economy entities:
Mutual associations;
Private social solidarity institutions not covered by the previous paragraphs;
Associations with altruistic purposes that operate in the cultural, recreational, sports and local development spheres;
Entities covered by the community and self-management sub-sectors, integrated under the terms of the Constitution into the cooperative and social sector;
Other entities with legal personality that respect the guiding principles of the social economy.

Eligible recipients of this type of operation are:
a) unemployed people registered for at least three months with the Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional, I.P. (IEFP, I.P.). (IEFP, I.P.);
b) unemployed people registered for at least two months with the IEFP, I.P., if they are aged 29 or under or 45 or over;
c) unemployed people registered with the IEFP, I.P., regardless of how long they have been registered, if they are:
recipient of unemployment benefit;
beneficiary of the social insertion income;
disabled person
person who is part of a single-parent family;
person whose spouse or unmarried partner is also unemployed, registered with the IEFP, I.P.;
victims of domestic violence; refugees;
ex-prisoners and those serving or having served sentences or non-custodial judicial measures who are in a position to enter working life;
drug addicts in the process of recovery;
a person who has served in the Armed Forces on a contract, special contract or voluntary basis;
homeless person;
victims of trafficking in human beings;
d) other unemployed or inactive people not covered by the above, who have no social security records as employees or self-employed workers in the 6 months prior to being hired, regardless of whether there are no contributions (for example, in cases where the respective exemption may apply).

The support is implemented as follows:
a) Through the Unit Cost for Direct Personnel Costs (CDP), direct personnel costs are funded.
b) Through the application of a fixed rate on the costs referred to in the previous point (Unit Cost CDP), the remaining cost categories associated with job creation are funded (direct costs, except personnel costs, and indirect costs).

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