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Richard Foister
Richard Foister Co-founder & COO @ Growth State
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Duncan Jennings


Richard Foister

More informations about "Growth State"

New Report Reveals Large Presence of State-owned Businesses in ...

Nov 28, 2023 The report points out that a larger state footprint can result in lower business dynamism and higher market concentration, discouraging new market entrants and curbing …See details»

Rankings: Growth - Best States - U.S. News & World Report

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Getting a read on the state of organizations - McKinsey & Company

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The Role of State Ownership: Overview of State-Owned …

Feb 12, 2024 This essay reviews state-owned entities’ prominence in the global economy, focusing on the government’s “ownership” in economic entities. Although the government is able to influence corporate activities through …See details»

The State of Organizations in 2023 | McKinsey

Apr 26, 2023 Business leaders around the world are currently addressing not only economic volatility, geopolitical instability, and the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic but also a range of organizational shifts that have …See details»

State-owned enterprises in the global economy

May 2, 2013 The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders …See details»

Corporate governance of state-owned enterprises - OECD

State-owned enterprises (SOEs) play important roles in many economies, often providing public goods and services. They are also prevalent in strategic sectors such as energy, extractives, …See details»

A Growth Strategy that Creates and Protects Value

Apr 1, 2024 For organizations to truly innovate and grow, leaders in every role and at every organizational level must be attuned to how they are creating new value while simultaneously protecting existing value.See details»

State Your Business: What are the keys to successful …

Dec 21, 2020 State-Owned Enterprises SOEs are critical to many developing and emerging economies where the lives of millions of citizens are deeply affected by how these enterprises are run. Governments use SOEs to provide …See details»

The growth paradox, sustainable development, and …

May 4, 2021 The preceding metatheoretical review has identified several lenses for reconceptualizing growth: (i) from the steady state and degrowth approaches: the distinction between unsustainable economic growth, as it is currently …See details»

Center for the Advancement of the Steady State …

The steady state economy is the sustainable alternative to the ravages of growth in the 21st century. Help get us there—join CASSE today! Facebook; X; ... Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy (CASSE) is a U.S. …See details»

The theory and practice of building developmental states in the …

May 15, 2018 The second tenet of a developmental state involves the crafting of a mutually beneficial state–business alliance, whereby the state implements a series of incentives and …See details»

How EDOs can seize funding opportunities | McKinsey

May 19, 2022 For example, the Florida Council of 100—a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan organization of business leaders—exists to promote the economic growth of Florida and …See details»

10 Business Growth Strategies + Successful Examples - Yesware

Feb 1, 2023 Some business growth strategies are focused on revenue, while others prioritize the size of the customer base. Some business growth strategies are all about increasing an …See details»

Organizational Life Cycle: Definition, Models, and Stages

Modern sources generally recognize Mason Haire’s 1959 Modern Organizational Theory as the first study using a biological model for organizational growth. However, the first historical …See details»

How States Can Direct Economic Development to Places and …

Feb 2, 2021 Kentucky, for example, annually updates the list of counties where businesses can receive more generous incentives under the Kentucky Business Investment Program …See details»

Degrowth and the State - ScienceDirect

Mar 1, 2020 Steady-state, post-growth or degrowth economists may differ on details of their diagnoses. They mostly agree, however, on the policies they want to see: ... With each new …See details»

State Capacity as an Organizational Problem. Evidence from the …

We study how the organization of the state evolves over the process of development of a nation, using a new dataset on the internal organization of the U.S. federal bureaucracy over 1817- …See details»

The strategic organization of innovation: State of the art and …

Jul 30, 2022 It also distinguishes between two levels: the “new product development” process (the strategic and organizational sequences of tasks and decisions that compose product …See details»

New leadership in an era of thriving organizations | McKinsey

May 4, 2023 expanding awareness and consciousness—the inner state, external context, and whole-system perspective; developing greater emotional regulation, choice of response, and …See details» © 2022. All rights reserved