Advertising Digital Marketing Public Relations
Bilbao, Pais Vasco, Spain
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- Location: France
- Latitude: 48.8582
- Longitude: 2.3387
- Timezone: Europe/Paris

More informations about "GUK"
GUK - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Contact Email [email protected]; Phone Number 944-794-965; Lists Featuring This Company. Edit Lists Featuring This Company Section. Spain Digital Marketing Companies . 1,606 Number of …See details»
GUK Management Team | Org Chart - RocketReach
GUK Org Chart GUK Team Growth. Looking for a particular GUK employee's phone or email? Find Info Top GUK Employees Iñaki Gorostidi Director. Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain View. 1 …See details»
Guk - Overview, News & Competitors |
Guk. Advertising & Marketing · Spain · <25 Employees. Somos una agencia hbrida que integra estrategias de marketing digital y comunicación con un nico propósito: dar un impulso decisivo …See details»
GUK: Contact Details and Business Profile - RocketReach
GUK is an Advertising Services, Advertising & Marketing, and Business Services company located in Bilbao, Basque Country with $1.00 Million in revenue and 98 employees. Find top …See details»
GUK - SlideShare
GUK 82 Followers 2 SlideShares 82 Followers ... 2 SlideShares 82 Followers 16 Followings Personal Information. Organization / Workplace. Pamplona Area, Spain, Bizkaia Spain ...See details»
Taldea - Guk
Es; Taldea. Iñaki Gorostidi Zuzendari nagusia. Javier Urtasun Zuzendaria. Aroa Rodríguez Project Manager. María Lasso de la Vega Project Manager. María Larumbe ... [email protected]. …See details»
GUK - Company Information, Competitors, News & FAQs
Install and uncover GUK’s employee details in less than 30 secs. Sign-up for 6sense Revenue AIâ„¢ for Sales. To find emails, direct dials, and more for prospects across the web. Sign Up …See details»
Marketin Digitala eta Komunikazio agentzia - Guk
Es; Stories for Business in the digital era. Zure markaren proiekzioa areagotu eta negozio-aukerak erakarri nahi dituzu kanal digitalaren bitartez? Gainditu zure helburuak, emaitzetara …See details»
Komunikazio korporatiboa - Guk
Komunikazio-plan estrategikoak lantzen ditugu, egitura mailan nahiz maila exekutiboan enpresen komunikazio-ekintza gidatu behar duten ardatzak zehazteko. Plan hauen helburua …See details»
GUK Email Format | Emails - RocketReach
The most common GUK email format is [last] (ex. [email protected]), which is being used by 60.0% of GUK work email addresses. Other common GUK email patterns are [first] (ex. [email protected]) …See details»
General Committee – Gram Unnayan Karma (GUK)
The General Committee of GUK consists of 21 members from different occupations in the country. The GC is the supreme authority of the organization to approve annual budgets, annual …See details»
GUK – Go, Don't Stop.
Es más que un slogan, es un mantra que refleja el carácter intrépido y determinado de nuestra marca. Inspirado en la idea de que no hay límites para quienes persiguen sus sueños, este …See details»
Vision Mission Values – Gram Unnayan Karma (GUK)
GUK aspires that empowered communities overcome poverty and emerge as a nodal agency for sustainable socio-economic development. Our Mission The mission of GUK is to empower …See details»
BRTA - Guk
Testuingurua. Euskal eskaintza teknologikoa indartu eta XXI. mendeko erronkei aurre egiteko asmoz sortu zen 2019an Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA) delakoa, …See details»
Development Projects – Gram Unnayan Karma (GUK)
Gram Unnayan Karma (GUK) has a good reputation in developing new and innovative project/program and has an expert dedicated team for managing diverse projects fulfilling the …See details»
At a Glance – Gram Unnayan Karma (GUK)
Dhaka Office Address: House# 31, Road# 14, Sector# 13, Uttara, Dhaka, Bangladesh Phone: +8802589904795 Mobile: 01733-366999See details»
General Committee – Gram Unnayan Karma (GUK) -
The General Committee of GUK consists of 21 members from different occupations in the country. The GC is the supreme authority of the organization to approve annual budgets, annual …See details»
guk_raj » NGOs Portal Rajshahi
Gram Unnayan Karma (GUK) was established in the year 1989 as a non-profit, non-political & non-governmental social welfare organization under the dynamic leadership of Khandaker …See details»
Notice Board – Gram Unnayan Karma (GUK) -
Dec 8, 2024 Head Office Address: GUK Tower, Banani, Bogura –5800, Bangladesh Dhaka Office Address: House# 31, Road# 14, Sector# 13, Uttara, Dhaka, BangladeshSee details»
Gram Unnayan Karma (GUK) – A non government organization
GUK acts as a social activist to create opportunities for the under privileged people by providing multi-dimensional support services for their sustainable socio-economic growth and …See details»