Hackathon Azerbaijan is a project that organizes the event in Azerbaijan. The main goal of the project is to check the knowledge of local programmers, network administrators and technology lovers, to compete with each other, to gain new and practical knowledge.
Association Events
Baku, Baki, Azerbaijan
Website Url:
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Official Site Inspections
- Host name: metro.yer.az
- IP address:
- Location: Azerbaijan
- Latitude: 40.5
- Longitude: 47.5
- Timezone: Asia/Baku

More informations about "Hackathon Azerbaijan"
Hackathon Azerbaijan - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Hackathon Azerbaijan is a project that organizes the event in Azerbaijan. The main goal of the project is to check the knowledge of local programmers, network administrators and …See details»
UFAZ hosted "JunctionX Baku 2024," one of Azerbaijan's largest ...
"JunctionX Baku 2024," one of Azerbaijan's largest hackathon events, took place with the theme "Artificial Intelligence in Green Economy." Supported by the Education Development Fund …See details»
Hackathon Azerbaijan - Overview, News & Competitors - ZoomInfo
Hackathon Azerbaijan. Colleges & Universities · Azerbaijan · 58 Employees. Hackathon Azerbaijan is a company that operates in the Education industry. It employs 51-100 people …See details»
Hackathon Azerbaijan komandası olaraq Azərbaycanda İnformasiya Texnologiyaları əsaslı innovativ sahələri stimullaşdırmaq və bu sahələrdə kadrlara olan tələbatın qarşılanmasına …See details»
Registration for the Azercell-supported "Techcell" hackathon is …
Apr 19, 2024 Azercell and UFAZ are proud to announce their latest collaboration. Registration is now open for the "Techcell" hackathon, powered by “Azercell Telecom” LLC and French …See details»
UFAZ-da Azərbaycanın ən böyük hakaton tədbirlərindən biri olan ...
UFAZ-da Azərbaycanın ən böyük hakaton tədbirlərindən biri olan “JunctionX Baku 2024” “Yaşıl İqtisadiyyatda Süni İntellekt” mövzusu ilə baş tutub.See details»
Hackathon Azerbaijan | Baku - Facebook
Hackathon Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan. 3,059 likes. Hackathon AzerbaijanSee details»
Hackathon Azerbaijan - Overview, News & Competitors - ZoomInfo
Hackathon Azerbaijan. Banking · Azerbaijan · <25 Employees . Hackathon is a company that operates in the Financial Services industry. It employs 11-20 people and has $1M-$5M of …See details»
Hackathon Azerbaijan - yarishma
Jan 17, 2018 Saytdakı məlumatları yayarkən, Hackathon Azerbaijan-a istinad etmək vacibdir. Developed by ...See details»
Uğurlu layihələr - Hackathon Azerbaijan
Hackathon Azerbaijan komandası olaraq 2011-ci ildәn bu günə kimi müxtәlif mövzularda 9 Hackathon tәşkil edilmişdir. Aquahack 08 İyun 2020 - 06 İyul 2020. Rəsmi dəstək və təşkilatçı: …See details»
"Techcell" hackathon will be held with the sponsorship of Azercell
May 18, 2024 About event. Supported by "Azercell Telecom" LLC and organized by the French-Azerbaijani University, registration has begun for the "Techcell" hackathon.See details»
"Energy and Fourth Industrial Revolution" Hackathon started
On September 9, 2022, Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS) hosted the opening of the hackathon competition "Energy and Fourth Industrial Revolution", with joint organization of the State Oil …See details»
Hədəf sayt haqqında mail almayanlar... - Hackathon Azerbaijan
Hackathon Azerbaijan · March 14, 2013 · March 14, 2013 ·See details»
Capture the flag » Öncəki Hackathonlar
Hackathon Azerbaijan komandası olaraq bu günə kimi tərəfimizdən müxtəlif mövzularda 6 yarış təşkil olunub. Vaxt: 06 Mart 2013 – 19 Mart 2013 Sponsor: Delta TelecomSee details»
Azerbaijan’s online #TekkieHeroes Hackathon attracts over 600 ...
Top three hackathon prizes awarded to teams from Poland, Azerbaijan and Brazil. Baku, 13 April 2020 - Azerbaijan’s first global virtual hackathon was held this weekend, organised by the …See details»
Hackathon nədir - Hackathon Azerbaijan
Hackathon - müasir proqramçıları kompüter proqramları yazmaq üçün birlәşdirәn xaker neologistikasıdır. Hackathon bir qayda olaraq, bir neçә gündәn bir neçә hәftәyә qәdәr davam …See details»
UNDP Country Office in Azerbaijan is launching the first ever ...
The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Country Office in Azerbaijan is launching the first ever Inclusivity Hackathon in Azerbaijan on 28 – 30 June 2019. Bringing close to a …See details»
A hackathon on cyber security was organized in the country
Aug 2, 2024 On July 26-27, a hackathon was held under the joint organization of Azerbaijan Cyber Security Center and Holberton Azerbaijan School. Representatives of the Information …See details»
Hackathon - Steam Azərbaycan Festivalı
Dec 1, 2023 Requirements. Team Line-Up: 3 students and 1 mentor. Age Limit: 17-21 (Age as on December 1, 2023 is considered.) Registration: October 15. Qualification Process: Will be …See details»
CulTech Hackathon 2" is being organized for the second time in ...
Dec 6, 2023 Note: The hackathon will be held with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the organization of "SUP VC" company. Hackathon will be held on …See details»