
College seekers looking for fast-paced, vocational training programs in Ohio should consider Hamrick School. The college is located in Medina, a small, rural town within close proximity to all the opportunities of the Akron and Cleveland metropolitan areas. Hamrick School offers Massage Therapy, Practical Nursing, and Truck Driver and CDL programs. Whether students want to start a new career or advance in their current job, the school is committed to helping them with their educational needs. ... Some of the additional services provided to students are: * Academic advising and goal planning * Access to a variety of library resources * Individual tutoring * Job placement assistance * Online reference materials through KnowItNow * Professional development skills training (interview preparation, résumé writing, etc.) Students who are interested in applying for one of these programs should contact the school to set up a meeting with an admissions representative. The admissions office will discuss enrollment criteria and tuition assistance options. There are many financial aid possibilities for those who qualify, including federal grants and loans, private financing, state training grants, and veteran education benefits. Although on-campus lodging is not available, Hamrick School negotiates reduced rates at local motels for students requiring housing while they complete their training programs.

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