
Hannover Finanz Group is a private equity firm based in Hannover, Germany. Established in 1979, it is also one of the oldest private equity houses and has, from the start, focused on medium-sized businesses in all sectors of trade, service and industry. Free of any affiliation with banks or major corporations, the company is itself co-owned by its management. Over nearly three decades extensive experience in the valuation and support of middle-market enterprises have been acquired. The interdis... ciplinary team offers practical experience of a wide variety of industries and is backed up by a network of strategic partners, experts and consultants in the fields of management and finance. It is common practise at HANNOVER Finanz that the project manager who initially acquired a company will remain the contact person for the entrepreneur throughout the whole holding period. HANNOVER Finanz draws its investment capital from major institutional investors in the banking and insurance sectors. A wide variety of companies take advantage of the experience in fund management and the agency agreements. The HANNOVER Finanz Group invests in businesses undergoing a succession of ownership or needing capital to fund expansion. As the so-called "evergreen" funds run for an unlimited term, HANNOVER Finanz is under no pressure to resell the holdings it acquires by a set date and is accordingly able to sustain long-term commitments to the medium-sized companies it services as private equity partner. The HANNOVER Finanz Group has participated in well-known enterprises such as Fielmann, Rossmann and Aixtron AG and helped them grow over many years. For many companies, it is the groups business expertise and willingness to enter into long-term commitments that makes them decide in favour of HANNOVER Finanz.

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Current Advisors List


Georg Krasser Investment Manager @ Hannover Finanz


Dr. Christina Silberberger Partner @ Hannover Finanz


Robert Pauli Managing Partner @ Hannover Finanz

Current Employees Featured


Goetz Hertz Eichenrode
Goetz Hertz Eichenrode Spokesman @ Hannover Finanz


Andreas Schober
Andreas Schober CEO @ Hannover Finanz

Acquisitions List

Date Company Article Price
2019-04-18 Lacon Electronic Lacon Electronic acquired by Hannover Finanz N/A
2017-12-12 CP Corporate Planning CP Corporate Planning acquired by Hannover Finanz N/A
2017-01-01 PWK Automotive Group PWK Automotive Group acquired by Hannover Finanz N/A
2017-01-01 Mediashop Holding GmbH Mediashop Holding GmbH acquired by Hannover Finanz N/A
2017-01-01 WMU Heat Treatment Systems for Industry and Environmental Technology GmbH WMU Heat Treatment Systems for Industry and Environmental Technology GmbH acquired by Hannover Finanz N/A
2017-01-01 WIDOS Wilhelm Dommer Sรถhne GmbH WIDOS Wilhelm Dommer Sรถhne GmbH acquired by Hannover Finanz N/A
2016-12-12 ACHAT Hotel- und Immobilienbetriebsgesellschaft mbH ACHAT Hotel- und Immobilienbetriebsgesellschaft mbH acquired by Hannover Finanz N/A
2016-06-12 MOESCHTER GROUP GmbH MOESCHTER GROUP GmbH acquired by Hannover Finanz N/A
2016-01-01 Schiller Fleisch GmbH Schiller Fleisch GmbH acquired by Hannover Finanz N/A
2015-09-29 F&W Frey & Winkler F&W Frey & Winkler acquired by Hannover Finanz N/A

Investments List

Date Company Article Money raised
2022-03-29 FINVIA Family Office Hannover Finanz investment in Venture Round - FINVIA Family Office 20 M EUR
2019-11-21 Hotelbird Hannover Finanz investment in Seed Round - Hotelbird 3.5 M EUR
2014-10-22 Biesterfeld Hannover Finanz investment in Private Equity Round - Biesterfeld N/A
2012-05-09 Franz Ziener GmbH & Co. KG Hannover Finanz investment in Private Equity Round - Franz Ziener GmbH & Co. KG N/A
2000-11-15 Noxxon Pharma Hannover Finanz investment in Series B - Noxxon Pharma 20 M EUR

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