
Heliograf is a design studio based in sydney with a focus on sustainability and design for good.

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Consulting Product Design

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia


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More informations about "Heliograf"

Heliograf - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Organization. Heliograf . Connect to CRM . Save . Summary. People. Technology. Signals & News. Similar Companies. About. ... Heliograf is located in Sydney, New South Wales, …See details»

About Us | Design Studio in Sydney | Heliograf

Heliograf is an award-winning collaboration of Angus Ware and Jeffrey Simpson, based in Sydney, Australia. Our debut product Light Soy is a statement on the iconic single-use soy fish. The cute little soy fish are an environmental disaster …See details»

Heliograf Company Profile | Management and Employees List

Heliograf is a proud member of 1% For the Planet. One percent of our revenue goes to nonprofit organisations protecting the oceans and preventing plastic pollution. We share updates on our …See details»

Heliograf | Creators of Light Soy | Design Studio

Heliograf an award-winning design collaboration of Angus Ware and Jeffrey Simpson, based in Sydney, Australia. We create playful and inspiring objects with sustainable design at heart. …See details»

Heliograf - Overview, News & Similar companies | ZoomInfo.com

Who is Heliograf. Our mission is to be a leading brand for thoughtful design. By investing in new ideas and emerging designers, we hope to become a world-class incubator for creative …See details»

Heliograf - Contacts, Employees, Board Members, Advisors & Alumni

Heliograf is a design studio based in sydney with a focus on sustainability and design for good.See details»

Heliograf - Company Profile & Staff Directory - ContactOut

Discover Heliograf company details, including staff directory, contact information, and industry insights. Explore alternatives, competitors, and frequently asked questions to get …See details»

Heliograf - Tech Stack, Apps, Patents & Trademarks - Crunchbase

Jul 15, 2024 Heliograf is a design studio based in sydney with a focus on sustainability and design for good.See details»

How Heliograf is Turning Plastic Waste into Light - Japan Nakama

Aug 5, 2024 Heliograf, an Australian-based duo of designers, believes in making positive environmental changes by prioritizing design for sustainability. To take a part in saving our …See details»

Contact Us | Design Brand - Heliograf

Heliograf Pty Limited. 162 Macquarie Street, Hobart TAS 7000, Australia (postal address only) About Heliograf. Heliograf an award-winning design collaboration of Angus Ware and Jeffrey …See details»

Heliograf | designboom shop

Heliograf an award-winning collaboration of Angus Ware and Jeffrey Simpson, based in Sydney, Australia. Our debut product Light Soy is a statement on the iconic single-use soy fish, made …See details»

Heliograf - Facebook

Heliograf. 744 likes · 15 talking about this. Heliograf is a design studio based in Sydney with a focus on design for good. Creators of Light Soy,See details»

Support - Heliograf

Heliograf an award-winning design collaboration of Angus Ware and Jeffrey Simpson, based in Sydney, Australia. We create playful and inspiring objects with sustainable design at heart. …See details»

Automated Journalism: Washington Post Heliograf

Heliograf is a platform developed by The Washington Post that uses natural language generation technology to automate the production of news stories. It is designed to enhance the …See details»


Sep 20, 2017 Heliograf 的第一份工作是报道 2016 年的里约奥运会。那个时候它只能做做三两句的报道。比如播报比赛日程、更新奖牌榜、在开赛前 15 分钟发个预告。它还跟亚马逊的智能 …See details»

A robot named Heliograf got hundreds of stories published last year

Sep 16, 2017 A year ago, the Washington Post introduced Heliograf, an in-house program that automatically generates short reports for their live blog.It was first used during the Rio …See details»

Media Kit - Heliograf

Heliograf an award-winning design collaboration of Angus Ware and Jeffrey Simpson, based in Sydney, Australia. We create playful and inspiring objects with sustainable design at heart. …See details»

Automated News Writing Software : heliograf - TREND HUNTER

Feb 16, 2017 Enhance your innovation potential with a deeper understanding of your unique innovation archetype and how your organization benchmarks. FuturistU. ... Heliograf debuted …See details»

华盛顿邮报机器人一年写稿850篇 | 高产背后还有更大野心

Sep 15, 2017 Gilbert希望Heliograf在下次大选时发挥更重要的作用。他还认为Heliograf有可能以其他方式为记者做好准备工作,例如查看财务和其他大数据集的趋势。“我们可以帮助人们找 …See details»

Latest News from the Studio | Design | Heliograf

Aug 22, 2020 “Heliograf makes playful lamps in the shape of sushi soy sauce bottles” By Natashah Hitti – 2 April 2020 Australian studio Heliograf’s Light Soy lamps. Read More April 3, …See details»

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