Henrietta is a marketing agency that provides end to end solutions in the area of direct and email marketing.
Advertising Digital Marketing Direct Marketing Email Marketing
Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
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- Host name: 203-78-158-51.instances.scw.cloud
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- Location: Paris France
- Latitude: 48.8607
- Longitude: 2.3281
- Timezone: Europe/Paris
- Postal: 75001

More informations about "Henrietta"
HENRIETTA, s.r.o. - spracovanie a podaj poštových zásielok
Spoločnosť HENRIETTA – direct marketing, s.r.o. je zapísaná v Obchodnom registri Okresného súdu Bratislava I., Oddiel: Sro – Vložka číslo: 7557/B a v Živnostenskom registri, reg. č. 3282/94.See details»
HENRIETTA, s.r.o. - spracovanie a podaj poštových zásielok
HENRIETTA – direct marketing, s.r.o. was established in 1994. We are primarily engaged in direct mail services (including magazines), and we also offer bookbinding and finishing services. We …See details»
HENRIETTA, s.r.o. - spracovanie a podaj poštových zásielok
Spoločnosť HENRIETTA – direct marketing, s.r.o. pôsobí na slovenskom trhu už od roku 1994. K hlavným aktivitám spoločnosti patrí hromadné spracovanie listových zásielok (vrátane …See details»
Henrietta - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Henrietta is a marketing agency that provides end to end solutions in the area of direct and email marketing. Search Crunchbase. Start Free Trial . Chrome Extension. Solutions. Products. …See details»
SKW Organization - Career Page
Explore open job opportunities at SKW Organization. Skip To Job Description. ... Remote Service Sales Advisor Saskatoon, SK . Remote; Remote Service Sales Customer Service Sales …See details»
Henrietta Szold - Founder - Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist …
View Henrietta Szold’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Founder · Experience: Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America · Location: …See details»
Bill Meets Henrietta Seiberling - AA History - Alcoholics …
3 days ago Henrietta did arrange for the two alcoholics to meet for supper at the gatehouse of the Stan Hywet Mansion where she and her teenage children were then residing. This was …See details»
Henrietta Anna Stuartová – Wikipédia
Henrietta Anna využila svoj vplyv na kráľa k tomu, že jeden z obľúbencov jej muža bol poslaný do vyhnanstva. Keď však sa jednou z jej dvorných dám stala Louise de La Vallière, dostala sa …See details»
Henrietta Szold - Wikipedia
Henrietta Szold was born in Baltimore, Maryland, December 21, 1860.She was the daughter of Rabbi Benjamin Szold of Hungarian birth, who was the spiritual leader of Baltimore's Temple …See details»
HENRIETTA, s.r.o. - spracovanie a podaj poštových zásielok
Fakturačné údaje: IČO: 31 379 036 DIČ: 2020320258 IČ pre DPH: SK2020320258 Bankové spojenie: 2626003720/1100, Tatra banka, a.s. IBAN: SK21 1100 0000 0026 2600 3720, BIC …See details»
Henrietta Lacks: Recognizing Her Legacy Across the World
On 13 October 2021 Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), will welcome the Lacks Family for a special dialogue at WHO …See details»
Henrietta Muir Edwards - The Canadian Encyclopedia
Mar 25, 2008 Early Life and Education. Henrietta Muir was one of seven children born to Jane and William Muir. The Muirs were a prosperous merchant-tailor family in Montreal.Strongly …See details»
Henrietta "Hedy" OGILVIE | Obituary | Saskatoon StarPhoenix
Sep 18, 2021 It is with great sadness that the family of Henrietta (Hedy) Ogilvie of Humboldt, Saskatchewan announce her passing at Central Parkland Lodge in Lanigan, Saskatchewan, …See details»
Henrietta Berk - Wikipedia
Henrietta Berk (January 9, 1919 – January 15, 1990) was a painter in the San Francisco Bay Area whose work was part of the Bay Area Figurative Movement taking place in the mid-20th …See details»
HENRIETTA, s.r.o. - spracovanie a podaj poštových zásielok
A glossary of the most commonly used words in our business: Direct marketing – direct communication with the customer; Direct mail – direct (addressed) communication; Mailing – …See details»
Henrietta Lacks Foundation™
E stablished in 2010 by Rebecca Skloot, author of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, the Foundation is inspired by the life of Henrietta Lacks, whose cancer cells—code named …See details»
Our History | Hadassah, The Women's Zionist Org of America
During a trip to pre-state Israel, Henrietta’s view of the world changed. In 1909, she saw Jews living in camps without proper plumbing or sanitation. Horrified by the impact starvation and …See details»
HENRIETTA, s.r.o. - spracovanie a podaj poštových zásielok
Spracovanie listových a balíkových zásielok – direct mail. Ak si želáte osloviť zákazníka adresným spôsobom, pomôže vám v tom direct mail.Naša spoločnosť vám môže zabezpečiť balenie, …See details»
HELA100: The Henrietta Lacks Initiative
The Lacks Family honors Henrietta Lacks. Henrietta, was a wife and mother of 5 . who unknowingly changed the world . with her immortal HeLa cells. Henrietta Lacks is the Mother …See details»