
Looking to attend a career college for a profession that offers stability, flexibility, financial security and independence? Then check out any of the programs at Hondros College in Westerville, Ohio. The college provides quality education in a variety of careers in real estate, mortgage, insurance, appraisal, home inspection, nursing, and financial services. Hondros College also offers unique certificates for a career in personal training. Students can even receive casino gaming training if... interested in a career as a card dealer. The instruction at the college emphasizes practical application, academic theory, and feedback from top businesses in the community and strives to cultivate in students a professional attitude and awareness of current practices. Instructors possess academic credentials and industry experience in their field to enhance studentsโ€™ quality of education while providing personalized attention and instruction. Hondros also has a number of online courses, including Accounting Software, Personal Finance and Investments, Grant Writing, Healthcare and more, available to any student. Special student services include corporate/custom training to provide both businesses and individuals with up-to-date career training and on-site fingerprinting services. Financial aid is available to eligible students through employer sponsored tuition assistance programs, government assistance, scholarships, private loans, and more.

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