The Hong Kong College of Technology is a private vocational college that provides sub-degree programs.
Education Higher Education Vocational Education
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http://www.hkct.edu.hk Semrush global rank: 642.65 K Semrush visits lastest month: 68.14 K
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- Location: San Mateo United States
- Latitude: 37.5517
- Longitude: -122.33
- Metro Code: 807
- Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
- Postal: 94402

More informations about "Hong Kong College of Technology"
HKCT - About Us - Hong Kong College of Technology
HKCT was commissioned by the Hong Kong Government's Provisional Retraining Fund Board (the former "Employees Retraining Board") as the only non-subsidised institution to run the …See details»
About HKCT - Hong Kong College of Technology
HKCT was established in 1947, offers a wide range of higher & further education programmes.HKCT connected with different network to enhance the overall strength. Visit HKCT website and follow HKCT social media platform to know …See details»
HKCT - About HKCT - Hong Kong College of Technology
HKCT Institute of Higher Education (CTIHE) is one of the 22-degree-awarding higher education institutions approved by the Hong Kong Government. CTIHE provides different types …See details»
HKCT - Hong Kong College of Technology
Hong Kong College of Technology (HKCT) is a non-profit-making educational institution under HKCT group. Founded in 1947 as Workers’ Night School, HKCT has been dedicated to the development of vocational and professional …See details»
Hong Kong College of Technology - Wikipedia
Hong Kong College of Technology (HKCT, Chinese:香港專業進修學校) is a non-profit-making educational institution under HKCT group. Founded in 1947 as Workers’ Night School, HKCT has been dedicated to the development of vocational and professional education for over 75 years. It offers a diverse ranged of vocational-specific programmes catering to individuals of different a…See details»
Hong Kong College of Technology - VPET Repository
HKCT became one of the first-batch retraining institutions when the Employees Retraining Board (formerly known as the Hong Kong Government’s Provisional Retraining Fund Board) was established in 1992. At that time, HKCT was the …See details»
Hong Kong College of Technology 香港專業進修學校(港專)
HKCT (www.hkct.edu.hk), Hong Kong College of Technology and HKCT Institute of Higher Education, committed to Vocational & Professional Education and Training (VPET) over …See details»
HKCT - 港專學院 - hkctpts.edu.hk
港專學院是香港22間准予頒授學士學位的高等院校之一。我們致力提供適切的職業專才教育培訓課程及服務,為不同程度的 ...See details»
HKCT - About HKCT - hkctpts.edu.hk
The Hong Kong Police College recently held a passi... 3/7/2024 HKCT and The Federation of Hong Kong Hotel Owners signed MoU to commit to nurture talent in hotel industry HKCT …See details»
香港專業進修學校 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
位於馬鞍山港專賽馬會本科校園. 香港專業進修學校(英語: Hong Kong College of Technology ),簡稱港專(HKCT),是港專機構轄下一所慈善性質的教育機構。 創辦於1947 年,港專 …See details»
HKCT - 香港專業進修學校(港專) - Hong Kong College …
香港專業進修學校(港專)於1947年創辦,提供高等教育、延續教育等不同程度、興趣的課程及一系列多元化、多層次和多種晉升階梯的專業課程,並致力與各界合作,建立伙伴關係以提升實力。 透過本校最新消息、關於港專及關注我們的社 …See details»
港專學院捐款表格 HKCT Donation Form
機構資料 Organization Information(只適用機構捐款 Applicable For organisation donor only) ... Official receipt will be issued for donation of HK$100 or above for tax deduction. ... Ordinance, …See details»
HKCT Employees, Location, Alumni | LinkedIn
HKCT | 882 followers on LinkedIn. 港專 HKCT | HKCT Institute of Higher Education & Hong Kong College of Technology | HKCT founded in 1947 is a non-profit-making educational institution. …See details»
Hong Kong College of Technology - ZoomInfo
Aug 25, 2024 Who is Hong Kong College of Technology. The Hong Kong College of Technology (HKCT) is a private vocational college in Hong Kong that provides a range of sub-degree …See details»
HKCT - HKCT Institute of Higher Education - hkctpts.edu.hk
HKCT Institute of Higher Education (the Institute) was founded under HKCT Group. With the approval of the Hong Kong Chief Executive and the Executive Council, the Institute was …See details»
港專學院及香港專業進修學校 - 港專 - Facebook
香港專業進修學校,簡稱港專(HKCT),是港專機構轄下一所慈善性質的教育機構。創辦於1947 年,港專前身為戰後工人夜校,一直堅持愛國愛港,致力職業專才教育75載。 港專學院及香港專業進修學校 - 港專, Hong Kong. 31,301 likes …See details»
HKCT - Hong Kong College of Technology (HKCT)
HKCT was established in 1947, offers a wide range of higher & further education programmes.HKCT connected with different network to enhance the overall strength. Visit …See details»
香港专业进修学校 - 百度百科
香港专业进修学校(Hong Kong College of Technology),简称“港专”“HKCT”,香港专业进修学校(港专)为港专机构辖下一所慈善性质的教育机构,前身是旺角工人夜校。现时校址包括九龙 …See details»
港專畢業典禮2024 校長勉勵畢業生打好堅實基礎迎接無限機遇
港專學院及香港專業進修學校(港專)於12月14日舉行「港專學院暨香港專業進修學校畢業典禮2024」,頒授學士、高級文憑、文憑及證書予畢業生,現場超過800位畢業生及家長參加,場 …See details»
Higher Diploma in Applied Artificial Intelligence - hkct.edu.hk
To become a professional AI expert, a strong foundation in the fundamental principles and a comprehensive understanding of AI technology are essential. Practical application is …See details»