HTBT is a biopharmaceutical manufacturer that focuses on international biotechnology introduction and absorption.
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Biopharma Biotechnology Manufacturing Medical Pharmaceutical
Hefei, Anhui, China
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[email protected]
Total Funding:
213 M CNY
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Investors List
CR Phrama Comm
CR Phrama Comm investment in Series E - HTBT
Shanghai Guxin Touzi
Shanghai Guxin Touzi investment in Series E - HTBT
Kashen Kaize Chuangtou
Kashen Kaize Chuangtou investment in Series E - HTBT
Shanghai Dalan Touzi
Shanghai Dalan Touzi investment in Series D - HTBT
Shanda Capital
Shanda Capital investment in Series D - HTBT
Haoshi Touzi
Haoshi Touzi investment in Series C - HTBT
Anhui Hongye Guanli
Anhui Hongye Guanli investment in Series B - HTBT
Shanghai Yishi Wenhua
Shanghai Yishi Wenhua investment in Series B - HTBT
Sinopharm Holding GuoDa Drug Store Co.
Sinopharm Holding GuoDa Drug Store Co. investment in Series B - HTBT
Premier Prophet Assets Management
Premier Prophet Assets Management investment in Series A - HTBT
Official Site Inspections
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- Location: Beijing China
- Latitude: 39.9288
- Longitude: 116.3889
- Timezone: Asia/Shanghai

More informations about "HTBT"
合肥天麦生物科技发展有限公司(以下简称“天麦生物”),坐落在有“大湖名城,创新高地”之称的科教名城——中国合肥。See details»
合肥天麦生物科技发展有限公司-合肥天麦生物科技发展 …
Hefei Tianmai Biotechnology Development Co., Ltd. is located in the national economic and technological development zone in Hefei, a well-known scientific and educational city in China, reputed as "a celebrated city with a big lake and …See details»
天麦生物以“关爱生命、承诺未来”为己任,公司目标是成为以口服胰岛素软胶囊、重组人胰岛素、胰岛素类似物、glp-1(胰高血糖素样肽受体激动剂)等产品为代表的、面向全球的生物医药 …See details»
The company is an innovative high-tech bio-pharmaceutical enterprise committed to the introduction and absorption of international advanced biotechnology, and the development, …See details»
HTBT - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Contact Email [email protected] Phone Number 86-551-63849080 HTBT is an enterprise dedicated to the introduction and research and development of …See details»
Shanghai HTBT Biotechnology Co.,Ltd. : F5, Shen Building, No.226, Hankou Road, Huangpu District, ShanghaiSee details»
合肥天麦生物科技发展有限公司/Hefei Tianmai Biotechnology …
海淀区, 北京市, cn Get directions Employees at 合肥天麦生物科技发展有限公司/Hefei Tianmai Biotechnology Development Co.,Ltd.See details»
合肥天麦生物科技发展有限公司-合肥天麦生物科技发展 …
2014年9月. 天麦生物特聘专家施姆尔·海斯博士(Dr. Shmuel Hess)获评2014年中国政府“友谊奖”,并于北京人民大会堂接受国家总理李克强、副总理马凯等国家领导人的亲切接见。See details»
About HTBT Development Co Ltd. - CPHI Online
Hefei Tianmai Biotechnology Development Co Ltd (HTBT), a subsidiary of Hefei Life Science, was established in October 2007. With manufacturing facilities located at the Life Science and …See details»
Obtaining Exclusive License for Insulin Products in Southeast Asian ...
Aug 15, 2022 HTBT’s goal is to become a global-oriented bio-pharmaceutical center of product development and manufacture, with representative products such as oral insulin enteric …See details»
HTBT’s " Research and Development Team of New Protein Drug " was evaluated as "Luzhou Industry Innovation Team" by Hefei leading group ontalents work. January 2017. By appraisal …See details»
Hefei Tianmai Biotechnology Development - ZoomInfo
Org Chart; Hefei Tianmai Biotechnology Development. Manufacturing · China · <25 Employees . Hefei Tianmai Biotechnology Development Co. Ltd is a company that operates in the …See details»
合肥天麦与合作伙伴新加坡瓦尼尔公司签署了“生物制药技术和产品联合研发合作框架协议”,以瓦尼尔公司位于以色列雅夫尼的联合实验室和合肥天麦的研发中心为基础,组建生物制药技术和 …See details»
领航·口服新时代——全球首款口服胰岛素肠溶胶囊上市申请获国家 …
Apr 25, 2023 About HTBT. 值得信赖和尊敬的. 全球糖尿病领域产品及服务提供商. A trustable and respectable global provider of diabetes products and services. HTBT Contact. htbt …See details»
HTBT provides quality therapeutic drugs and health services for humans. Everything is a gift of God, including life, health, food and nature The concept of modern enlarged health: Blood …See details»
公司文化 “天麦”诠释 :“天赐麦粮”,天麦生物为人类供应优质的治疗药品和健康服务。See details»
由天麦天汇和Oramed联合开发的蛋白质口服给药技术平台(PODP …
纽约,2021年03月19日,由合肥天汇孵化科技有限公司(下文简称“天汇科技”)投资并作为其单一大股东的美国纳斯达克上市公司Oramed Pharmaceutical(Nasdaq/TASE: ORMP)宣布成立 …See details»
喜报!天麦生物四款产品全部拟中标全国药品集中带量采购(胰岛 …
Apr 24, 2024 ⌈ByDrug医药新闻摘要⌋ 2024-04-24 13:08,天麦生物:About HTBT。 全球糖尿病领域产品及服务提供商。 A trustable and respectable global provider。 ... HTBT Contact. …See details»
A leading staff training and development system: As stated in our mission "to provide an opportunity of success for all the staff dedicated to this mission", HTBT attaches great …See details»
7 Years' Dedication To Artificial Insulin To Soon Harvest The Results
Jul 2, 2014 Hefei Tianmai Biotechnology Development co., ltd. (HTBT) was once described by the media as "a dragon hidden in the Hefei Economic and Technological Development Zone. …See details»