
Huntingdon College, grounded in the Judeo-Christian tradition of the United Methodist Church, is committed to nurturing growth in faith, wisdom, and service and to graduating individuals prepared to succeed in a rapidly changing world. The College serves approximately 1,000 students within the traditional undergraduate program and the Adult Degree Completion Program (SBPS). Huntingdon provides an outstanding liberal arts education in an atmosphere that supports spiritual growth and inquiry. It... is located in a residential neighborhood in Montgomery, Alabama, and the size of its campus is 71 acres. We offer a mind-broadening liberal arts education that welcomes students to learn and to grow in an atmosphere nurturing each studentโ€™s faith and intellect. Huntingdon faculty and staff are dedicated to helping students find what they are called to do with their lives by identifying and strengthening their knowledge, skills, talents, and abilities. Here, you will discover what you have to offer the world, as well as what the world offers and needs of you. The Collegeโ€™s motto, engraved above the entrance to Flowers Hall, serves as our guiding statement: "Enter to Grow in Wisdom, Go Forth to Apply Wisdom in Service."



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