Puhui Financial Technology Co., Ltd. is a fintech company that provides risk management and financial product design services. They are using AI intelligent technology and security risk control modules to build a bridge between investors and borrowers.
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普匯金融科技擁有全台首創風控審核無人化融資系統。普匯提供小額信用貸款申貸服務,資金用途涵蓋購房、購車,或是房屋裝修潢。您可在普匯官網取得貸款額度試算結果!現在就來體驗最 …See details»
InFlux - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Organization. InFlux . Connect to CRM . Save . Summary. People. Technology. Signals & News. Similar Companies. About. InFlux is a financial technology consultancy. Taipei, T'ai-pei, …See details»
Manage organizations in InfluxDB | InfluxDB OSS v2 Documentation
An organization is a workspace for a group of users. All dashboards, tasks, buckets, members, etc., belong to an organization. The following articles provide information about managing …See details»
inFlux Fintech - LinkedIn
InFlux Fintech Information Technology & Services 普匯inFlux是專業的金融科技顧問,由具備深厚的風險管控、金融產品設計經驗的金融團隊組成,運用AI智能科技 ...See details»
Manage organizations in InfluxDB | InfluxDB Cloud Serverless …
An organization is a workspace for a group of users. All dashboards, tasks, buckets, members, etc., belong to an organization. An account can contain multiple organizations. You can use …See details»
普匯inFlux - Apps on Google Play
Oct 23, 2024 Using AI intelligent technology and security risk control modules, we use professional financial products and simple online methods to build a bridge between investors …See details»
數位發展部產發署-署長呂正華指出,金融科技攸關數位產業的競爭力,一直以來都是施政重點。普匯SelfieAuth持證自拍專利,落實e-KYC電子化,提供線上的數位身分認證,展現數位科技在 …See details»
普匯帶你一次看懂金融科技發展現況與未來發展方向 - inFlux普匯 …
InFlux普匯金融科技,以普惠金融為志業,希望落實傳統銀行無法提供的金融服務。「金融專業」為核心,「高端科技」為輔具,提供「最有溫度」的社群服務,拉近人與人的距離,讓金融年 …See details»
《金融科技拼實力》 「數位身分驗證_持證自拍」專利在普匯!
Jun 21, 2023 最嚴謹但最具法律效益的傳統金融機構KYC(Know Your Customer),流程不僅麻煩且繁瑣,必須本人帶著法定證件、印信證明,加上現場經銀行員確認的留存簽名樣式,層層 …See details»
Create an organization in InfluxDB | InfluxDB OSS v2 Documentation
Organization and bucket limits. A single InfluxDB 2.7 OSS instance supports approximately 20 buckets actively being written to or queried across all organizations depending on the use …See details»
InfluxDB Time Series Data Platform | InfluxData
InfluxDB is a purpose-built database optimized for speed, managing time series data in the cloud, on-premises, or at the edge.See details»
View organization in InfluxDB | InfluxDB Cloud (TSM) Documentation
Organization ID in the CLI Use influx org list to view your organization ID. > influx org list ID Name 03a2bbf46249a000 org-1 03ace3a859669000 org-2See details»
你知道有哪些金融科技例子嗎?帶你了解金融科技趨勢與金融科技 …
Dec 7, 2022 一、全球FinTech發展沿革與未來趨勢. 創新的科技讓金融業有一個大轉變,翻轉了以往金融服務的模式,更重視了客戶軟體的體驗,串聯產品周邊相關人事物,進而組成合適人們 …See details»
InfluxData - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
InfluxData is the creator of InfluxDB, an open-source time series database and platform. The technology is purpose-built to handle the massive volumes of time-stamped data produced by …See details»
線上申貸|幫你解決短期週轉的煩惱 - inFlux普匯金融科技
Dec 2, 2019 過去申請貸款的流程 首先確認資格,需年滿20歲以上,無信用瑕疵之本國國民;第二步,準備相關文件,如身分證、工作證明(勞保卡或在職證明)、所得證明(薪轉存摺或扣 …See details»
Organizations | InfluxDB OSS v2 Documentation
Manage organizations. Manage organizations in InfluxDB using the InfluxDB UI or the influx CLI. influx org. The influx org command and its subcommands manage organization information in …See details»
influx org create | InfluxDB Cloud (TSM) Documentation
Authentication credentials. The examples below assume your InfluxDB host, organization, and token are provided by either the active influx CLI configuration or by environment variables …See details»
【普匯觀點】AI貸款有多快? 銀行貸款要兩周,普匯只要三小時
Nov 15, 2018 小學堂文章列表 小學堂影音 金融科技在面對跨境個人資料傳送的挑戰 金融市場中之ai道德問題 運用金融科技揭開詐騙冰山下的隱藏層 數字化稅務革新:開放銀行和電子支付 …See details»
Manage users in your InfluxDB Cloud organization | InfluxDB …
Under Add a new user to your organization, enter the email address of the user to invite and select their role in your organization. Available roles. Currently, InfluxDB Cloud has only one …See details»
新創老闆會面臨的困難 - inFlux普匯金融科技
May 24, 2023 根據經濟部發布的《2022 年中小企業白皮書》,台灣中小企業將近160 萬家,佔全體企業98% 以上,中小企業對於台灣經濟扮演重要角色,因此創業一直以來都是熱門話題, …See details»